Late Modern English and formation of the National Literary English language
The main difference between EME and LME is vocabulary. It was connected with 2 main factors:
1) Industrial Revolution. There was a big need for new terms to name new inventions. New words appeared in different ways: 1) borrowed or made of Latin and Greek roots (vaccine, nuclear); 2) made of native English words by adding suffixes (steamer); 3) made by combining several roots (airplane).
2) The growth of English Empire. By the beginning of XX century the British Empire covered a quarter of the Earth’s surface. Native languages of the colonies brought a lot of new words to the English language (shampoo, pajama – Hindi, sauna – Finland, tycoon - Japan).
During the LME period lots of variants of the English language appeared. There are 2 varieties of the English language – American and British, and other variants are based on them. 1758 – Samuel Johnson published “The Dictionary of English” which contained some grammatical forms of words. 1762 – Robert Lawth published “The Introduction to the English Grammar”. According to him, English should be logical, and we should avoid using double negatives, split infinitives, prepositions in the end of the sentences.
Theoretical phonetics of the English language: aims, tasks and connections with other branches of linguistics. The main branches of theoretical phonetics
Phonetics is a branch of linguistics studying sound system of the languages. Phonetics can be subdivided into:
1) Segmental – studies separate sounds;
2) Suprasegmental – studies groups of sounds (syllables, phrases, syntagms).
Also it can be subdivided into 3 directions:
1) Articulatory – studies production of sounds by human speech organs;
2) Acoustic – studies vibration of sounds between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ears;
3) Auditory – studies reception of sounds by listener’s ears.
Phonetics is connected with other branches of linguistics and science: biology, physiology, physics, psychology, grammar, lexicology, stylistics. Phonetics represents expression level of the language.