Read the first part of the sentence in A and find the second part in B.
1. The UK consists of… …machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and
navigation equipment.
2. The climate of Great Britain is … …two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland,
and about 5 000 small islands.
3. The flag of the UK is known as … … the Union Jack.
4. The British Parliament is … … England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
5. The UK is washed by … … a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional
6. The UK is the largest producer and exporter of… … the highest legislative organ.
7. The UK is … … temperate and mild.
8. The British Isles consist of… … the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea and
the North Sea.
Put in the missing words according to the text.
1. The narrowest part of the English Channel is called … .
2. The House of Commons makes laws about the … of the country, … and many other things.
3. The climate of Great Britain is … and … because of the warm Gulf Stream.
4. The UK is a … developed industrial country.
5. The Union Jack is made up of three … .
Translate from Russian into English.
1. Соединенное Королевство – высокоразвитая индустриальная страна.
2. Королева – символ истории страны и ее традиций.
3. Британский Парламент состоит из двух палат.
4. Британцы очень гордятся своими обычаями и традициями, и бережно их сохраняют.
5. Судостроение является одной из основных отраслей промышленности.
Complete the following sentences.
1. The surface of the British Isles varies … .
2. The British Government is headed … .
3. Britain is the world’s third largest trading nation, … .
4. The English often say that they … .
5. The House of Lords can … .
6. The fundamental unit of British money is … .
7. Their capitals are … .
8. The United Kingdom is a country with great traditions, … .
9. London is situated on … .
Unit 4 The Russian Federation