Our Academy
I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. It was founded in 1959 as an Agricultural Institute. It got the title of the Academy on 3rd April, 1995. In early 1960’s there were two faculties: Agronomy and Zootechnical.
Our Academy has four Institutes: Agro-Technology, Mechanical- Technology, Institute of Economy and Finance and the Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine. At present, there are following faculties at the Academy: Agronomy, Economy (Management), Zooengineering, Accounting (Economy), Farm Mechanization (Agro engineering), Farm Electrification, Forestry, Land Cadastre, Water Bioresources and Aquaculture, Woodworking (Technology and equipment of woodworking production), Veterinary, Mechanization and processing of farm products (Agro engineering), Technology of bakery, confectionary and pasta products, Agro-ecology (Agro chemistry and Agro soil science), Vegetable-growing, Farm product-processing (Agro engineering) and Commodity Research faculty.
Our Academy is headed by the Rector. Prorectors are in charge of the academic and scientific work. Four Institutes are headed by Directors.
Education at our Academy is full-time and by correspondence. There are over 5000 students and 40 chairs at the Academy. The Academy has a highly qualified teaching staff. Our Academy trains students and graduate students in several specializations. Here they can learn skills, which fit them for a better career in future. An educated person contributes more to the society and education gives a person the prospect for professional advance.
The academic year lasts for ten months. At the Academy, the students study two terms a year. At the end of each term, they take tests and exams. While studying the students have general subjects and special disciplines, which are important and necessary for their future profession. Our students have a chance to get a degree of Bachelor and to become highly qualified specialists.
The Academy is situated in six buildings, two of them are in the downtown and others are out of town. The main building is in Republic Street, 7 and it includes some lecture halls, rector’s office, the library (600 thousand volumes of books), special Anatomy, Chemistry and Physics laboratories, two Museums (Anatomy, History of the Academy), the Conference Hall and others.
The students’ campus is located in the suburbs. There are three hostels, a large Sport Complex with a swimming pool, garages, barns, and an equestrian sport club there.
The Academy has its own experimental training farm which is situated not far from the students’ campus. The students have their practical work on the farm. They carry out their research work in special laboratories.
1. Memorize the following words and expressions:
1) to enter the Academy─ поступать в академию;
2) to graduate from the Academy─ окончить академию;
3) to take an exam─ сдавать (предстоит) экзамен;
4) to pass an exam─ выдержать (сдать) экзамен;
5) test─ зачет;
6) term─ семестр;
7) full-time education─ очное образование;
8) education by correspondence─ заочное образование;
9) to train─ готовить, обучать;
10) to be situated =to be located─ располагаться;
11) chair─зд. кафедра
12) graduate student─ аспирант
13) to include─ включать, содержать в себе;
14) to contribute─ делать вклад; содействовать, способствовать;
15) downtown─амер. деловая часть города;
16) experimental training farm─ учебно-опытное хозяйство;
17) swimming pool─ плавательный бассейн;
18) equestrian sport club [i′ kwestriәn] ─ конноспортивный клуб;
19) to carry out─ выполнять, проводить;
20) research work─ научно-исследовательская работа.
21) equipment – оборудование
22) soil science – почвоведение
23) to head – возглавлять
24) to be in charge of – отвечать за что-л.; заведовать чем-л.
25) degree – звание, степень
26) Bachelor – бакалавр
27) rector’s office – ректорат
28) the students’ campus – студенческий городок
29) in the suburbs – в пригороде
2. Answer the following questions:
1) Where do you study?
2) When was your Academy founded?
3) How many institutes has the Academy?
4) What faculties are there at your Academy?
5) Is your Academy headed by the Rector?
6) Who is in charge of the academic and scientific work?
7) How many students and chairs are there at the Academy?
8) How many terms has the academic year?
9) When do you take your tests and exams?
10) Where is the main building of the Academy? What does it include?
11) What does the main building include?
12) Where is the students’ campus situated?
13) What are there on the students’ campus?
14) Has your Academy an experimental training farm?
15) Where do the students carry out their research work?
3. Complete the following sentences:
1) I study at …
2) In early 1960’s there were …
3) Our Academy has …
4) The Academy trains …
5) Education at our Academy is …
6) The academic year has …
7) While studying the students have …
8) The students’ campus is located …
9) The students carry out …
10) The students study at the Academy …