II. Ответьте на вопросы
1 What is the difference between the holiday package and the guided tour?
2 What was a typical package tour originally?
3 What is special about a corporation tour?
4 What are the responsibilities of a guide?
5 What are the advantages of packaged tours?
III. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами и словосочетаниями
tour operators advantages attractions a tour guide destinations
1. … arrange accommodations, transportation and entertainment for the whole trip.
2. The main … of a resort hotel are sun, sea and beach activities.
3. Careful co-ordination of accommodations, transfers, luggage handling is necessary if the tour consists of several … .
4. … solves a wide range of problems from translation to interpersonal relations.
5. Numerous … of packaged tours attract many customers to tour operating firms.