II. Завершите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста


1. Tourism industry offers a wide range of jobs including …

2. Everyone who works in tourism should …

3. One of the most important aspects of the job of the travel agent is …

4. The duties of the sightseeing guide involve …

5. The social director not only organises entertainment activities but …


III. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами и словосочетаниями


service industries the conductor guide occupations is in charge


1 Like most … tourism employs a great number of people.

2 The term … is used for the person responsible for local sightseeing.

3 … usually accompanies a group throughout travel.

4 The social director … of amusing the customers.

5 Tourism provides a great variety of … that require different kinds of skills.



IV. Пользуясь содержанием текста, опровергните или подтвердите следующие утверждения

1. The good thing about tourism industry is a lot of interesting careers for young specialists.

2. Contact with general public usually include only positive aspects of dealing with people.

3. In many jobs in tourism industry it is necessary or desirable to speak foreign languages.

4. The job of the tour guide is not very difficult and responsible.

5. People who work in tourism have opportunities to take part in training programmes and courses.