II. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What are examples of early tourism?
2. Why was the introduction of a circular ticket important for travellers?
3. What opportunity did a traveller’s cheque give to travellers? Why was a traveller’s cheque introduced?
4. What factors influenced the development of international travel after World War II?
What is Thomas Cook famous for?
III. Заполните пропуски предложенными словами и словосочетаниями
domestic activity traveller's cheque tour operator package tour mass tourism
1. People pay for their travel and accommodation in their own country if they choose … .
2. We take … which we exchange for local money when we arrive in the foreign country.
3. … means holiday or travelling within the territory of one country.
4. It is a … who organises inclusive holidays by purchasing transport and selling it at a single price.
5. We consider Thomas Cook to be the man who brought in the age of … .
IV. Пользуясь содержанием текста, опровергните или подтвердите следующие утверждения
1. In the past people often travelled and it didn’t cost much.
2. The first package tour was organised as a rail excursion.
3. Changing social attitude towards leisure and work brought the emergence of travel agencies and tour operators.
4. Thomas Cook was the first to publish the world’s travel magazine.
5. An early form of traveller’s cheque was not recognised by hotel and banks.