Commands, Requests, and Suggestions in the Indirect Speech.
Reporting verbs used to report:
order — order; request — ask, beg; instruction — tell, advice — advise; reminder — remind; warning — warn; invitation — invite; suggestion — suggest; offer — offer; permission — allow; prohibition — forbid; persuasion — persuade; recommendation — recommend.
1. A supervisor is giving instructions to a group of exam students.
One of these, Bill, reports the instructions after the exam.
a) A: Sit at the numbered desks.
B: He told us to sit at the numbered desks.
b) A: Don't smoke.
B: He told/warned us not to smoke.
1. Hang up your coats. 2. Don't write in the margin. 3. Put your name on each sheet. 4. Read the questions carefully. 5. Start each question on a fresh sheet. 6. Answer the questions in order. 7. Don't spend too much time on the first question. 8. Don't talk to your neighbour. 9. Don't try to copy your neighbour's answers. 10. Keep to the point. 11. Watch the time. 12. Be careful about your spelling. 13. Write clearly. 14. Count the number of words in your essays. 15. Look over your work before you hand it in. 16. Number your sheets. 17. Tie the sheets together. 18. Go out quietly when you've finished. 19. Don't take any paper out of the room. 20. Come back at two o'clock.
2. Mr Jones calls Ann into his office and gives her some instructions. She then returns to the main office and tells
a colleague what she has been asked to do.
A: Would you please file these letters?
B: He asked/told me to file these letters.
Would you please...
1. copy this contract? 2. correct this spelling mistake? 3. add something to this letter? 4. pin up these notices in the canteen? 5. look up our MP's address? 6. order some more paperclips? 7. contact our American branch? 8. send this report to our head office? 9. check these figures? 10. bring your tape-recorder to the meeting? 11. type out a full report? 12. put these documents in the safe? 13. lock the safe? 14. leave the key on my desk? 15. take these books back to the library? 16. buy some flowers for my wife? 17. tell my wife I won't be home tonight? 18. remind the cleaners to empty my ash-tray? 19. advertise for a new office boy? 20. book two plane tickets for New York?
3. Bill is at his office where he has just heard that he has won £200,000. Ann, his secretary, and Tom, a colleague, are giving him advice which he later reports to a friend he meets on the train home.
A (= Ann): Why don't you give up your job?
B: Ann advised me to give up my job.
A (= Tom): Don't do anything in a hurry.
B: Tom warned me not to do anything in a hurry.
1. You should send out for a bottle of champagne. 2. You'd better wait till lunchtime. (Tom) 3. Why don't you spend £5,000 on a terrific holiday? (Ann) 4. Invite all your friends to a party. (Ann) 5. Don't begin entertaining lavishly. (Tom) 6. You'd better give some of it to a charity. (Ann) 7. Don't offer to help everyone. (Tom) 8. You should get a new car. (Ann) 9. Why don't you visit your sister in Australia? (Tom) 10. You should buy presents for your wife and the children. (Ann)
4. Translate into English.
1. Вчера у меня был выходной день. Я предложила Ане сходить в кино, но она отказалась, сказав, что гото-вится к экзамену по немецкому языку. Мы договорились, что сходим в кино на следующей неделе. 2. Препо-даватель спросил меня, почему я пропустил так много занятий. Я ответил, что я уезжал в командировку. 3. Когда я собирался уходить, мой брат напомнил мне, чтобы в следующий раз я принес ему свой русско-испанский словарь. Он сказал, что ему нужно перевести статью по электронике. Я ответил, что приду к нему через два дня и пообещал, что не забуду о его просьбе. 4. Когда я вернулся домой, мой сын уже спал. Я хотел поговорить с ним, но жена сказала, чтобы я не будил его, потому что он очень устал, так как целый вечер чинил автомобиль. 5. Врач посоветовал мне, чтобы я проводил больше времени на свежем воздухе и не ложился спать поздно. 6. Нина поинтересовалась, пойду ли я на вечер, и я ответила, что пойду.