Do You Make These
Six Common Mistakes
On Your Taxes?
Oix common mistakes can cajse you big headaches on your taxes. An oversight here, an emission there. From unnecessary tax payments to full blown IRS audits—you can end up paying too much ... or worse. But now, using TurboTax" or MacinTax5. you can avoid these simple but costly mistakes:
The Arithmetic Error "щ Today, even the simplest forms
contain complex calculations. And with ail the late-night scrambling, an innocent mistake could cost you plenty.
The Transcription Error
Witn ail those numbers be:ng
juggled from schedule ю schedule. it's no wonder ihe figures are so often transcribed inco-rectly or entered on the wrong line.
The Omitted Form
Even "ordinary" returns require
anywhere from six to a dozen forms to complete. It's easy to miss one or end up rushing at! over town to find the one you need.
The Misinterpreted
At best, IRS instructions can be tough to understand. At worst they can be mind-boggling. What you need are dear directions in plain English. ^^ The Overlooked Deduction 55 You'd have to bo a professional tax
preparer :o know all the deductions you're entitled to If you miss just one, it cculd cost you hundreds of dollars. ^^ The Exceeded Guideline B"fr The fastest way to trigger an IRS
audit is to exceed the "normal" range on one of your deductions. You need to know what the IRS looks for on a line-by-line basis.
When you do your taxes with TurboTax, mistakes like these are virtually impossioie. And filing your taxes couldn't be easier.
America's #1 Tax Software
The fastest, easiest way to do your taxes right. W'tti а пел Windcws interface ar«j enhanced capacities irx 139-1, America s #1 -selling tax sof^rare now makes pteaaring your i:i;on-e taxss eas ei ttan eve:. Jus; ga:herycur гэсоссз and receipts. sit (ton at you: comouier and let TurboTax s awafd-v.inrvng EasyStep* tax preparation system guide ycu irruugli every step of tiie way. Then pnn; oj; yout forms, sign them cno1 drrjp them m the mail, it's tnat easy!
New "smart features" save time and ensure accuracy. Our Ta>A6vtsorr'"1 points out overlnokec deductions arid mistakes on tfie fly—-while you're enters p.;r daia -nto cur Windows and f/acinten software—to improve the accuracy of your reij-n. And the SmartAudit™ feature hunts down егга-s. omissions and likely audit itsns;] takes
you drecVy to each iteTi and leiis you what to change and how. Ail in a fraction of the time you'c spend checking anil reviyny your return manually. Get more out of Quicken* with TtirboTax.
Our TaxUnk innovation lets you work with TurfcoTax and Qwcten—America's (Mpeisonal
a single program. Zoom in on tax-related Quicksn transactions from withh TurboTgx—item by item— anci reassign tax categories to maximize /our tax savings T:ien jump back to TurooTax and see the recalculated results. (Windows version only.)
Take our powerful CD-ROM for a spin. TuiboTax en CD-ROM o!!e;s concise. Ы-rrction video and audio ass stance, plus over 60 iRS pub'ications and expert tax acvice from Marshall Lceb, гщд 'orrnei managing editor э? Fortujg magazine pSl ana tax attorney, Mary Sprouse. former iflS П*£ Audit G'oup iranagftr, arxi authoi o* the The. •» Money income Tax Hsncfccok.
More returns filed and more awards won than any other tax software. Over 40 million «turns have teen fiierl using TurboTax, making it the nation's mcst trusted tax preparation program. So огйэг today And see юг yourself why trie пел TitrtwTax is easily the best lax software ever!
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Рис. 13.5. Курьезный заголовок: реклама Turbotax
Перевод заглавия на изображении:
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Technical Rreakthn >u
Now Take Instant Clinical Temperatures Without Disturbing Your Patients
Say Goodbye to Old-fashioned Invasive Thermometers
CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER, CALIFORNIA—Now you can take temperatures quickly and accurately, with better patient cooperation and no mucous membrane contact, thanks to the latest medical technology. ,..«^ It's called FirstTemp'41: a , ^\
light, hand-held, all-purpose clinical thermometer from Intelligent Medical Systems.
Fast, Easy to I'se and Read
When placed just at the ear's opening, FirstTemp takes an infrared reading from the tympanic membrane in one second. This measurement is very accurate, because the tympanic membrane shares the blood
L^ supply that rcach-^ cs the hypo-/-r,\Kv' thalamus (which ^ /Г \ч ,. controls body tem-4 A perature). The V) • temperature is dis-\ ^ playedonabacklit \ LCD screen.
Reduces Kisk of Spreading Omlly and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
FirstTemp makes no contagion-spreading contact with mucous membranes. And the probe is covered with a comfortable, disposable speculum that fits adults and infants safely. The covers are applied and ejected without being touched. FirstTemp is a major advance in reducing the risk of spreading orally and sexually transmitted diseases.
Dfxtors Report Impmrett Patient Flsnr, bhtff Efficiency
FirstTemp offers new advantages to physicians and hospital personnel: You get the temperature quickly and accurately, while its comfortable, non-invasive nature elicits unprecedented patient compliance.
Independent Research Supfwrts HrstTetnf) s Accuracy
In clinical trials at the University of Vermont, FirstTemp was compared to an indwelling Swan-Ganz catheter in the pulmonary artery and to a constant readout rectal thermometer. FirstTemp proved extremely accurate, exhibiting a correlation coefficient of 0.987 and thus upholding the statements of earlier investigators that поп-invasive tympanic thermomctry will
:ip,Hwijl i wnpliance. A bleeping patent—
likely deliver the quickest, most reliable temperature.
Wide /fcwge Неф/и! in Hypothermia Cases
FirstTcmp's range of 60°F to 110°F (15.5°C to 43.3QC1 makes it particularly useful in cases of hypothermia. Both °F and °C readings are available at the flick of a switch.
For more information about First-Es^^j Temp, call (800! 535-515R (US) or [800] ICu/CCU.ER 628-1414 (California). Clinical references available upon request- П
For More information, Circle 235 on Quick Response Cord.
Рис. 13.9. Всеобъемлющая печатная реклама: фирма First Temp
Перевод заглавия на изображении: — Теперь мгновенно измеряем максимальные температуры, не беспокоя ваших пациентов.
Предоставлено фирмой Shenvood Medical.