The EDVAC (1946-1952)

Although the idea of an automatic computing engine occurred first to Charles Babbage in 1832, it was more than a century later, in 1945, that John von Neumann set out the principles that fixed the pattern of computer design.

Dr.John von Neumann, professor of mathematics at the Prinston Institute of Advanced Study, together with P.Eckert, J. Mauchly and Goldstine became a project member of a new unproved computer, the Electronic Discrete Variable Computer (EDVAC). Von Neumann was a major contributor to the project as he developed the concept of storing instructions as well as data in the memory of the computer. As a result it became possible to replace the writing board, which so seriously handicapped the operation of the ENIAC.

Von Neumann is also given a share of the credit for introducing the idea of storing both instructions and data in a binary code instead of decimal numbers or human-readable words.

3. The UNIVAC I (1951)

P.Eckert and J.Mauchly left the EDVAC project to form their own company and built the UNIVAC 1 computer. UNIVAC stands for UNIVersal Automatic Computer. The first UNIVAC was installed in the Census Bureau in 1951, and it was used continuously for 10 years. From the University laboratories the computer finally entered the wider world in 1951 with the invention of first UNIVAC 1. It was the first digital computer which was not “one of a kind”, it was produced in quantity.

In 1952 IBM (International Business Machine) introduced the 701 commercial computer. Although limited in storage capacity by modern standards, the 701 could add a column of 10- digit numbers as tall as the Empire State Building in one second. Very soon improved models of the UNIVAC I and other 701-series machines were introduced. In 1953 IBM produced the IBM 650 which used a magnetic drum for storage and was popular with business and science.




1. Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово.

1. Computer data ___ system frees humans from routine error-prone tasks.

a) counting; b) computing: c) processing

2. Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and ___ it.

a) to travel; b) to retrieve; c) to respond

3. The entered data can be transmitted by ___ networks.

a) communications; b) conversions; c) procession

4. The possibility of ___ is reduced if data were correctly put into the data processing system.

a) character; b) access; c) error

5. Computer data processing systems can ______ at a fraction of a second.

a) receive; b) respond; c) retrieve

6. Computer systems are vulnerable to the entry of _____ data.

a) invalid; b) invariable; c) invisible

7. As soon as data were entered into the system correctly, the human _____ is limited.

a) computation; b) information; c) manipulation

8. The amount of data stored on magnetic discs is constantly ____.

a) decreasing; b) increasing; c) eliminating


2. Cогласуйте слова в левой колонке с их интерпретацией, предложенной справа.

1. Inputting


2. Character


3. Data base


4. Data elements


5. Controlling


6. Outputting


7. Memory

8. Record

9. Keyboard

10. Storing

a) saving information for the further processing;

b) the process of producing useful information;

c) meaningful collections of related characters;

d) the most common input device;

e) the part of the computer that receives and stores data for processing;

f) directing the sequence of the operations performed;

g) a written language symbol;

h) a collection of related data elements;

i) a set of related facts;

j) the process of entering collected into a data processing system.



Unit 4



1.Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.

architecture — архитектура; структура

architect — разработчик архитектуры (системы, структуры)

unit — устройство; модуль; блок; элемент; составная часть

accessory equipment — вспомогательные устройства

engineering background — техническая подготовка, квалификация

analyst — аналитик; системный разработчик

product line — серия (компьютерных) продуктов

manufacturer — изготовитель; производитель; разработчик

application programmer — прикладной программист

to simulate — моделировать; имитировать

voltage — напряжение

pressure — давление, сжатие

digital computer — цифровой компьютер

hybrid computer — смешанного типа, аналого-цифровой компьютер

discrete — дискретный; отдельный

continuous quantity — непрерывная величина

on-going process —продолжающийся, постоянный, непрерывный процесс

to rely — основываться на ч.-л.; полагаться

to install — устанавливать; размещать; монтировать; настраивать

household appliances — домашние приборы / устройства

microwave oven — микроволновая печь

indoor climate control system — система регуляции температуры в доме

2. Прочтите текст и скажите, о каких типах компьютеров и сферах их применения вы узнали.




As we know all computer systems perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling, and outputting. Now we’ll get acquainted with the computer system units that perform these functions. But to begin with let’s examine computer systems from the perspective of the system designer, or architect.

It should be noted that computers and their accessory equipment are designed by a computer system architect, who usually has a strong engineering background. As contrasted with the analyst, who uses a computer to solve specific problems, the computer system architect usually designs computer that can be used for many different applications in many different business. For example, the product lines of major computer manufacturers such as IBM, DigitalEquipment Corporation and many others are the result of the efforts of teams of computer system architects.

Unless you are studying engineering, you don’t need to become a computer system architect. However, it is important that is a potential user, applications programmer or systems analyst you understand the functions of the major units of a computer system and how they work together.

Types of computers

The two basic types of computers are analog and digital. Analog computers simulate physical systems. They operate on the basis of an analogy to the process that is being studied. For example, a voltage may be used to represent other physical quantities such as speed, temperature, or pressure. The response of an analog computer is based upon the measurement of signals that vary continuously with time. Hence, analog computers are used in applications that require continuous measurement and control.

Digital computers, as contrasted with analog computers, deal with discrete rather than continuous quantities. They count rather than measure. They use numbers instead of analogous physical quantities to simulate on-going, or real-time processes. Because they are discrete events, commercial transactions are in a natural form for digital computation. This is one reason that digital computers are so widely used in business data processing.

Machines that combine both analog and digital capabilities are called hybrid computers. Many business, scientific, and industrial computer applications rely on the combination of analog and digital devices. The use of combination analog devices will continue to increase with the growth in applications of mi­croprocessors and microcomputers. An example of this growth is the trend toward installing control systems in household appliances such as microwave ovens and sewing machines. In the future we will have complete indoor climate control systems and robots to do our housecleaning. Analog sensors will provide inputs to the control centres of these systems, which will be small digital computers.


3. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­пользуя информацию текста.

1. Who designs computers and their accessory equipment? 2. What is the role of an analyst? 3. Is it necessary for a user to become a computer system architect? 4. What functions do computer systems perform? 5. What types of computers do you know? 6. What is the principle of operation of analog computers? 7. How do digital computers differ from analog computers? 8. Where are digital and analog computers used? 9. What are hybrid computers? 10. Where do they find application?


4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Функции ввода, хранения, обработки, управления и вывода информации; познакомиться; системные блоки; для начала; вспомогательные устройства; разработчик компьютерной системы; хорошая компьютерная подготовка; различные сферы применения; корпорация цифрового оборудования; прикладной программист; системный разработчик; главные устройства компьютерной системы; моделировать физические величины; измерение сигналов; в отличие от; иметь дело скорее с дискретными, чем не­прерывными величинами; в режиме реального времени; коммерческие операции; цифровое вычисление; аналого-цифровые компьютеры; тенденция к установке систем управления; домашние приборы.


5. Переведите предложения, содержащие Participle I и Participle II, в функции обстоятельства.

1. When entering the Internet, I always find a lot of interesting information. 2. Though never built Babbage’s analytical engine was the basis for designing today’s computers. 3. When written in a symbolic language programs require the translation into the machine language. 4. While operating on the basis of analogy analog computers simulate physical systems. 5. When used voltage represents other physical quantities in analog computers. 6. Being discrete events commercial transactions are in a natural form for a digital computer. 7. As contrasted with the analyst, the computer system architect designs computers for many different applications. 8. While dealing with discrete quantities digital computers count rather than measure. 9. When using a microcomputer you are constantly making choice — to open a file, to close a file, and so on. 10. As known all computer systems perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling, and outputting.

6. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

hardware — аппаратное обеспечение; аппаратура; оборудование

software — программное обеспечение; программные средства

system software — системное программное обеспечение

application software — прикладное программное обеспечение

firmware — встроенное /микропроцессорное программное обеспечение

visible units — видимый блок, устройство

procedure — процедура, процесс; метод, методика; алгоритм

to associate — соединять; объединять; связывать

associated documentation — соответствующая документация

to execute applications programs — выполнять прикладные программы payroll — платежная ведомость

inventory control — инвентаризация; переучет

investment analyses — анализ инвестиций (капиталовложений)

read-only memory (ROM) — постоянное запоминающее устройство (ПЗУ) to refer to — относиться к; ссылаться на

to substitute — заменять; замещать

to cause — заставлять, вынуждать; причина, основание

to accomplish — завершать, заканчивать; выполнять, осуществлять

performance — производительность; быстродействие; рабочая характеристика


7. Прочтите текст 2 и объясните, как вы понимаете термины «аппаратное обеспечение» и «программное обеспечение». Переведите текст.



The units that are visible in any computer are the physical components of a data processing system, or hardware. Thus, the input, storage, processing and control devices are hardware. Not visible is the software — the set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation that make possible the effective operation of the computer system. Software programs are of two types: systems software and applications software.

Systems software are the programs designed to control the operation of a computer system. They do not solve specific problems. They are written to assist people in the use of the computer system by performing tasks, such as controlling all of the operations required, to move data into and out of a computer and all of the steps in executing an application program. The person who prepares systems software is referred to as a systems programmer. Systems programmers are highly trained specialists and important members of the architectural team.

Applications software are the programs written to solve specific problems (applications), such as payroll, inventory control, and investment analysis. The word program usually refers to an application program, and the word programmer is usually a person who prepares applications software.

Often programs, particularly systems software, are stored in an area of memory not used for applications software. These protected programs are stored in an area of memory called read-only memory (ROM), which can be read from but not written Firmware is a term that is commonly used to describe certain programs that are stored in ROM. Firmware often refers to a sequence of instructions (software) that is substituted for hardware. For example, in an instance where cost is more important than performance, the computer system architect might decide not to use special electronic circuits (hardware) to multiply two numbers, but instead write instructions (software) to cause the machine to accomplish the same function by repeated use of circuits already designed to perform addition.


8. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.

1. What is hardware? 2. Give the definition of software. 3. What are the types of software? 4. What are systems software? 5. What kind of tasks do systems software perform? 6. Who prepares systems software? 7. What are applications software? 8. What problems do applications software solve? 9. What is firmware? 10. How can a computer system architect use firmware?


9. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Видимые устройства; система обработки данных; аппаратное обеспечение; набор компьютерных программ; соответствующая документация; эффективная работа; системное программное обеспечение; прикладное программное обеспечение; системный программист; платежная ведомость; переучет; анализ инвестиций; прикладная программа; работающий только в режиме чтения; постоянное запоминающее устройство; последовательность команд; в случае; производительность; электронная цепь; умножать числа; заставить машину выполнять ту же функцию; выполнять сложение.


10. Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь перевести словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами.

Architecture: communication architecture; computer architecture; disk architecture; microprocessor architecture; network architecture; security architecture; system architecture; virtual architecture.

Software: system software; application software; database software; disk software; educational software; game software; management software; simulation software.

Hardware: computer hardware; device hardware; display hardware; memory hardware; mouse hardware; network hardware; system hardware; video hardware.

Procedure: accounting procedure; computational procedure; control procedure; data-processing procedure; decision procedure; error-correcting procedure; formatting procedure; installation procedure; management procedure; solution procedure.

Protection: computer protection; data protection; device protection; display protection; error protection; hardware protection; software protection; resource protection; security protection; system protection; virus protection.


11. Озаглавьте каждый компонент текста и составьте небольшой реферат к нему (по вариантам).



1. In 1948 due to the invention of transistors there appeared the possibility to replace vacuum tubes. The transistor occupied an important place on the way to computer development. The potential advantage of the transistor over the vacuum tube was almost as great as that of the vacuum tube over the relay. A transistor can switch flows of electricity as fast as the vacuum tubes used in computers, but the transistors use much less power than equivalent vacuum tubes, and are considerably smaller. Transistors are less expensive and more reliable. They were mechanically rugged, had practically unlimited life and could do some jobs better than electronic tubes. Transistors were made of crystallic solid material called semiconductor.

With the transistor came the possibility of building computers with much greater complexity and speed.

2. The integrated circuit constituted another major step in the development of computer technology. Until 1959 the fundamental logical components of digital computers were the individual electrical switches, first in the form of relays, then vacuum tubes, then transistors. In the vacuum tubes and relay stages, additional discrete components, such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors were required in order to make the whole system work. These components were generally each about the same size as packaged transistors. Integrated circuit technology permitted the elimination of some of these components and integration of most of the others on the same chip of semiconductor that contains the transistor. Thus the basic logic element — the switch, or “flip-flop’, which required two separate transistors and some resistors and capacitors in the early 1950s, could be packaged into a single small unit in 1960. The chip was an important achievement in the accelerating step of computer technology.

3. In 1974 a company in New Mexico, called Micro Instrumentation Telemetry System (M1TS) developed the Altair 8800, a personal computer (PC) in a kit. The Altair had no keyboard, but a panel of switches with which to enter the information. Its capacity was less than one per cent that of the 1991 Hewlett-Packard handheld computer. But the Altair led to a revolution in computer electronics that continues today. Hardware manufacturers soon introduced personal computers, and software manufacturers began developing software to allow the computers to process words, manipulate data, and draw. During the 1980s computers became progressively smaller, better and cheaper.

Today the personal computer can serve as a work station for the individual. A wide array of computer functions are now accessible to people with no technical background.


1. Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово

1. Computers and their ____ equipment are designed by a computer system architect.

a) engineering; b) accessory; c) specific

2. Digital computers use numbers instead of analogous physical ___.

a) symbols; b) equipment; c) quantities

3. Systems ____ are usually stored in read-only memory.

a) hardware; b) software; c)firmware

4. A computer is a machine with a complex network of electronic that operate switches.

a) circuits; b) cores; c) characters

5. In modern electronic computers the ___ is the device that acts as a switch.

a) integrated circuit; b) diode; c) transistor

6. A number of actions that convert data into useful information is defined as __.

a) data; b) processing; c) data processing

7. Computers can store, organize and retrieve great amounts of information, far beyond the ___ of humans.

a) capacities; b) capabilities; c) accuracy

8. The analyst ___ a computer for solving problems, while the computer system architect ____ computers.

a) requires; b) designs; c) uses

9. The use of ___ computers will continue to increase with the growth in applications of microprocessors and minicomputers.

a) analog; b) digital; c) hybrid

10. The development of third generation computers became possible due to the invention of ___.

a) integrated circuits; b) electronic tubes; c) transistors


2. Согласуйте слова в левой колонке с их интерпретацией, предложенной справа.

1. Computer   a) a combination of interconnected circuit elements produced in a chip to perform a definite function
2. Analog computer   b) a sequence of instructions enabling the computer to solve a given task
3. Digital computer   c) a tiny piece of silicon containing complex electronic circuits used inside all computers
4. Hardware   d) a system which processes and stores great amount of data solving problems of numerical computation
5. Software   е) a device which can carry out routine mental tasks by performing simple operations at high speed
6. Program   f) electronic and mechanical equipment in a computer system
7. Programming   g) a set of programs, procedures and associated documentation
8. Integrated circuit   h) the process of preparation a set of coded instructions for a computer
9. Chip   i) a device that has input and output represented in the form of physical quantities
10. Transistor   j) a small piece of a semiconductor that greatly reduced power consumption of a circuit


3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя:

А. Правильную неличную форму глагола

1. Computing is a concept (embraced; embracing; for embracing) not only arithmetics, but also computer literacy. 2. We can make the computer do what we want (inputted; to input; by inputting) signals (turning; turned; without turning) switches on and off. 3. Computers have a means (by communicating; of communicating; communicated) with the user. 4. Computers work according to the instructions (giving; given; to give) to it by users. 5. The transistor (inventing; invented; for inventing) in 1948 completely changed the vacuum tubes.

Б. Глагол в действительном или страдательном залоге

1. Computers (applied; are applied; are applying) for automatic piloting and automatic navigation. 2. The programs (write; have written; are written) to help people in the use of the computer system. 3. As digital computers (count; counted; are counted) quickly, they widely (use; used; are used) in busi­ness data processing. 4. Once data (entered; have entered; have been entered) correctly into the data processing system, the possibility of error (reduced; is reduced; are reduced). 5. It is known that an analyst (use; uses; is used) a computer to solve specific problems.





Abacus – счеты

Access – доступ, обращение

Addition – сложение

Amount – количество

Amplify – усиливать

Analog computer – аналоговый компьютер

Analyst – аналитик, системный разработчик

Application – приложение, применение

Application software – прикладное программное обеспечение

Arithmetic-logical unit (ALU) – арифметико-логическое устройство

Attach – присоединять

Bar-code scanner – устройство считывания штрих-кода

Basics – основы

Calculating device – вычислительное устройство

Calculus – исчисление, математический анализ

Capacity – емкость, объем

Card reader – устройство считывания платы

Carry out – выполнять, осуществлять

Cathode-ray tube – электронно-лучевая трубка

Central processing unit (CPU) – центральное процессорное устройство

Character printer – символьный принтер

Characters – символы

Circuit – цепь, контур, схема

Communications networks – сети передачи данных

Compare – сравнивать

Complete – завершать

Complex – сложный

Computer literacy – компьютерная грамотность

Computing – вычисление, счет, работа на компьютере

Condition – режим, состояние, условие

Connect – соединять

Consume – потреблять, расходовать

Content – смысл, количество

Continuous quantity – непрерывная величина

Control – управление

Control unit (CU) – устройство управления

Convert – превращать, преобразовывать

Core – суть, основная часть, ядро

Counter – счетчик

Crash – ломаться, давать сбои

Cursor – указатель, курсор

Data – данные

Data base – база данных

Data processing – обработка информации

Data storage hierarchy – порядок запоминания информации

Decision – решение

Decoder – дешифратор

Delete – удалять, стирать

Depend – зависеть, рассчитывать

Develop – развивать, проявлять

Device – устройство

Digital computer – цифровой компьютер

Dimension – измерение

Direct the operation – направлять работу

Discrete – дискретный, отдельный

Disk drive – дисковое запоминающее устройство, дисковод

Division – деление

Dot-matrix printer – точечно-матричный принтер

Embrace – охватывать

Emerge – появляться, возникать

Enable – разрешать

Enter – входить, вводить

Environment – среда, окружение

Equation – уравнение

Equipment – оборудование

Execute – выполнять

Exponentiation – возведение в степень

External – внешний

Feed (fed, fed) – подавать, питать, вводить

Film technique – пленочная технология

Firmware – встроенное/ микропроцессорное программное обеспечение

Flash – вспышка

Flexible – гибкий, настраиваемый

Flip-flop – триггер

Floppy disk – гибкий диск

Flow – поток, ход

Flowchart – блок-схема

Graphic plotting tables – графические планшеты

Guard – защищать, предохранять

Hard disk – жесткий диск

Hard-copy output – вывод твердой печатной копии

Hardware – аппаратное обеспечение

Human-related – взаимосвязанный с человеком

Hybrid computer – аналогово-цифровой компьютер

Identify – идентифицировать, распознать

Improve- улучшать, совершенствовать

Ink-jet printer – струйный принтер

Input device – устройство ввода

Install – устанавливать, встраивать

Instantaneously – мгновенно, немедленно

Instruction – команда

Integrated circuit – интегральная схема

Intelligence – разум

Interact – взаимодействовать

Internal storage – внутреннее запоминающее устройство

Interpret – переводить

Intricate – сложный, запутанный

Invalid data – неверные данные

Issue – посылать, выводить, выдавать (сообщение)

Key – клавиша, набирать на клавиатуре

Keyboard – клавиатура

Laser-beam printer – лазерный принтер

Leisure activities – досуговая деятельность

Letter-quality printer – принтер с типографским качеством печати

Level – уровень, степень

Light pen – световая ручка

Line printer – принтер с построчной печатью

Link – соединять

Load – загружать

Logarithm table – логарифмическая таблица

Magnetic disk storage – ЗУ на магнитном диске

Main storage – основная память

Main board – материнская плата

Manage – управлять, организовывать, справляться

Manipulate – обрабатывать, преобразовывать

Manner – способ, образ

Manual – ручной

Manufacture – производитель, разработчик

Means of coding – средства кодирования

Medium – носитель, среда

Memory – память

Microwave – микроволновая

Mouse – устройство для перемещения объектов

Multiple – кратный

Multiplication – умножение

Network – сеть

Offline storage – автономное хранение данных отдельно от компьютера

Online storage – неавтономное хранение данных в ЗУ

Operate switches – приводить в действие переключатели

Opportunity – возможность

Optical character printer – оптическое считывающее устройство текста

Output hardware – выходные устройства отображения

Page printer – принтер с постраничной печатью

Plug – подключать

Power consumption – потребление (расход) электроэнергии

Power – мощность, энергия

Primary/secondary storage – первичное/вторичное запоминающее устройство

Printer output – вывод на печать

Process – обрабатывать

Program – программа

Programming language – язык программирования

Pseudocode – псевдокод, псевдопрограмма

Pulse – импульс

Punched card – перфокарта

Purpose – цель

Random-access memory (RAM) – оперативное запоминающее устройство (ОЗУ)

Read-only memory (ROM) – постоянное запоминающее устройство (ПЗУ)

Reason – причина, основание, довод

Record – запись, регистрация

Register – регистр, счетчик, датчик

Relate – связывать, устанавливать отношения

Related – смежный, взаимосвязанный

Rely – основываться на чем-либо, полагаться

Replace – замещать

Require – требовать

Respond – отвечать, реагировать

Rotate – вращать, чередовать, сменять

Scan – просматривать, сканировать

Security – безопасность

Select – выбирать, выделять (на экране)

Sensitive – чувствительный

Sequence – последовательность

Set – набор, множество, совокупность, серия

Share – делить

Significant – значительный

Simulate – моделировать, имитировать

Simultaneously – одновременно

Site – страница, сайт

Slide rule – логарифмическая линейка

Smart – умный

Software – программное обеспечение

Solid body – твердое тело, кристалл, полупроводник

Sound card – звуковая карта

Speed of response – скорость реакции

Stand-alone – автономный

Storage register – регистр памяти

Storage – запоминающее устройство, память

Store – хранить, запоминать

Substitute – заменять, замещать

Subtraction – вычитание

Supply – подавать, вводить, снабжать, обеспечивать

System software – системное программное обеспечение

Tabulate the census – занести данные по переписи

Tape drive – запоминающее устройство на магнитной ленте

Technique – метод, способ, техника, технология

Top – верх, вершина

Touch panel – сенсорная панель

Transfer – переводить, переносить

Transmission – передача

Turn off/switch off – выключать

Turn on/switch on – включать

Typewriter – печатное устройство

Unit – устройство, модуль, элемент

User – пользователь

Vacuum tube – электронная (вакуумная) трубка (лампа)

Various – различные

Visible units – видимый блок, устройство

Voltage – напряжение

Weapon – оружие

Web-browser – Интернет-браузер

Window – окно

Word processing – обработка текста

Worksheet – электронная таблица

World Wide Web – всемирная паутина электронной сети интернет





1. Практикум по английскому языку. Информационные технологии: Для студентов 1-2 курсов специальностей ИЭФ, ИСУТЭ, ИУИТ

Автор: Цаболова З.Л. Издательство: МИИТ, 2004 г. 112 с.

2. Радовель В. А. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности: Учебное пособие / Радовель В. А. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2006. – 224 с.