Forms | Voice | |
Tense | Active | Passive |
Indefinite | to give | to be given |
Continuous | to be giving | ---- |
Perfect | to have given | to have been given |
Perfect Continuous | to have been giving | ---- |
I. Give various tense and voice forms of the given infinitives.
To write, to ask, to work, to find, to get, to take, to say, to answer, to translate, to calculate, to solve, to discuss, to make, to change.
II. Read the following sentences, state the Tense and Voice forms of the infinitives.
1. To solve this problem is very interesting. 2. Bob decided to find out his adress. 3. He hoped to be sent with the expedition. 4. This book is to be translated soon. 5. We are happy to have passed all examinations. 6. They must have gone for their summer holidays. 7. She was glad to have been given such present for he a birthday. 8. Our group is to be taking an exam in algebra now. 9. The scientists remember to have been investigating this subject for two months before the result was achieved. 10. He looks too young to have been studying at the University for 3 years.
III. Read and translate the sentences with different functions of the infinitives.
a) as a subject.
1. To determine this distance is necessary for further research. 2. To know a foreign language is important for every specialist. 3. To fulfil this plan is not an easy task. 4. To publish this article in the magazine is rather a problem. 5. It was difficult to refuse his invitation. 6. It is necessary to be attentive at the lessons. 7. It is useless to discuss the topic.
b) as an object
1. I want to show you the house where I lived a year ago. 2. She helped her friend to translate the article. 3. He likes to tell us about his childhood. 4. We asked him to come to out place. 5. John’smother allowed him to go to the discotheque. 6. The boy ordered his dog to lie down beside him. 7. Liza didn’t want to be helped with the solution of the problem.
c) as a predicative or part of predicate.
1.My intention was to win the first prize. 2. Our aim is to become good specialists in the field of mathematics. 3. The train was to leave at midnight. 4. You can prove everything and nothing. 5. I had to begin writing a letter to her. 6. They are to arrive at the station by the evening train. 7. They will have to stay in town this summer.
d) as an adverbial modifier
1. To catch the train you have to hurry. 2. We have come here to discuss the problem. 3. To master English one must study regularly. 4. To make sure that the result you have obtained agrees with the expected one, check it. 5. People went to the concert of a famous singer to enjoy his voice. 6. They will go to the University by metro to get there in time. 7. It is too late to go on an excursion. 8. This method is not accurate enough to give reliable results.
e) as an attribute
1. The terms to be insisted on are as follows. 2. The topic to discuss at the conference is very interesting. 3. The theorem to be proved below will give 2 corollaries. 4. The first issue to be considered is one about the coming examinations. 5. Here is a nice book to read before going to bed. 6. She was the first to give a correct answer to the teacher’s question. 7. He was the last to leave the classroom.
IV. Read the sentences below and state the function of the infinitives and then translate them.
1. Peter wants to take his credit test tomorrow. 2. To understand his report you must know the subject matter. 3. I cannot go there now because I have some work to do. 4. To explain this simple fact is not so easy. 5. We were the first to finish our work. 6. This question is too difficult to be answered at once. 7. It will take you half an hour to get to the park. 8. The book to betranslated is too thinck. 9. Ann wants to know English well. 10. I have not the slightest wish to see him again. 11. The experiment is to be carried out by our students.
V. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Он пришел сюда, чтобы поговорить со мной. 2. Я попросил его зайти ко мне. 3. Сестра принесла мне почитать книгу. 4. Чтобы понять важность этого события, ты должен знать все факты. 5. Читать в постели вредно. 6. Они должны посещать все занятия по этому предмету. 7. Дайте мне что-нибудь поесть. 8. Сегодня слишком холодно, чтобы идти на прогулку. 9. Мы рады, что будем завтра принимать участие в конференции. 10. Она, может быть, придет завтра. 11. Студентам нужно было дать консультацию перед контрольной работой. 12. Для того, чтобы знать этот предмет хорошо, вы должны усердно работать.
VI. Guess the meaning of the given words:
fundamental (a) ["fAndq'mentl]
object (n) ['ObGIkt]
interpretation (n) [Intq:prI'teISqn]
unique (a) [ju: 'nI:kI]
remark (n) [rI'ma:k]
analytic (a) ["xnq'lItIk]
problem (n) ['prOblqm]
figure (n) ['fIgq]
converse (a) ['kOnvq:s]
pair (n) [pFq]
coordinate (n) [kou'O:dnIt]}
nature (n) ['neItSq]
VII. Read and learn the following words:
preliminary (a) [prI'lIminqrI] предварительный
determine (v) [dI'tq:mIn] определять
essentially (adv) [I'senSqlI] зд. по существу
essential (a) [I'senSql] существенный
strictly (adv) ['strIktlI] строго, точно
closely (adv) ['klouslI] зд. тесно, близко
to constitute (v) ['kOnstItju:t] составлять
characteristic (n) ["kxrIktq'rIstIk] свойство, особенность
further (a) ['fq:Dq] другой, дальнейший
initially (adv) [I'nISqlI] вначале, с самого начала
rather (adv) ['ra:Dq] скорее
convenience (n) [kqn'vi:njqns] удобство
to enable (v) [I'neIbl] давать возможность, право
convention (v) [kqn'venSqn] условие
to emphasize (v) ['enIfqsaIz] подчеркивать
strongly (adv) ['strONlI] сильно, строго
to locate (v) [lou'keIt] располагать, определять
implication (n) ["ImplI'keISen] смысл, значение
to imply (v) [Im'plaI]{ значить, означать, подразумевать
carefully (adv) ['kFqfqlI] осторожно
to note (v) [nout] отмечать, обращать внимание
familiar (a) [fq'mIljq] хорошо известный, знакомый
accordingly (adv) [1q'kO:dINlI] таким образом, поэтому
path (n) [pa:T] траектория
to trace (v) [treIs] чертить, начертать
necessarily (adv) ['nesIsOrIlI] обязательно, непременно
to summarize (v) ['sAmqraIz] суммировать, подводить итог
to focus attention сосредоточить внимание
totality of points совокупность точек