Different Usage
Traditional usage of words of word combinations is typical of each language. Traditional S.L. and T.L. usage or clichés do not coincide. The words forming such clichés often have different meanings in the two language but they are traditionally used to describe similar situations. The problem of the proper selection of equivalent words and clichés can be solved only if the peculiarities of the correlated languages are taken into consideration, e.g.
He is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter.
Он оставил после себя жену, сына и дочь. (После него остались жена, сын и дочь.)
She never drank boiled water.
Она никогда не пила сырой воды.
Sometimes different usage in partly due to different vision:
The city is built on terrace rising from the lake.
Город построен на террасах, спускающихся к озеру.
As a matter of fact there two verbs (to rise and спускаться) may be called conversives, that is, they describe the same situation from diametrically opposite angles.
Sometimes different usage is apparent in the use of semantically complete prepositions.
He wrote under several pseudonyms, many of his essays appearing over the name of “Little Nell”. (F.Johnson).
Он писал под разными псевдонимами, многие его очерки появлялись под подписью «Крошка Нелл»
Usage is particularly conspicuous in set expressions.
The New Zealand earthquake was followed by tremors lasting an hour. No loss of life was reported.
После землетрясения в Новой Зеландии в течение часа ощущались толчки. Жертв не было.
The fact that the US Government was finally and firmly coming to grips with crime impressed many.
На многих произвело впечатление то, что правительство Соединенных Штатов, наконец, очень энергично начало борьбу с преступностью.
Usage plays an important part in translating orders and instructions.
Commit no nuisance – останавливаться воспрещается.
Usage is closely linked with the history and development of the language, of its lexical system. Hence every language creates peculiar clichés, ready-made formulae. They are never violated by the introduction of additional words or by the substitution of their components.