Types of Grammatical Transformations
As has been said, divergences in the structures of the two languages are so considerable that in the process of translation various grammatical and lexical transformations indispensable to achieve equivalence. These transformations may be classed into four types: 1. transpositions; 2. replacements; 3. additions; 4. omissions. This classification, however, should be applied with reservation. In most cases they are combined with one another, moreover, grammatical and lexical elements in a sentence are so closely interwoven that one change involves another, e.g.
As they leave Washington, the four foreign ministers will be traveling together by plane.
Все четыре министра иностранных дел полетят из Вашингтона вместе.
The following types of transformations have been resorted to in the translation of this complex sentence:
1. The complex sentence is translated by a simple one (replacement of sentence type);
2. The word order is changed (transposition);
3. The subordinate clause of time is rendered by an adverbial modifier of place (replacement of member of the sentence);
4. The meaning of the predicate and of the adverbial modifier is rendered by the predicate (both lexical and grammatical transformations – replacement and omission);
5. The meaning of the definite article is rendered lexically (addition).
The above analysis shows that all the four types of transformations are used simultaneously and are accompanied by lexical transformations as well.