Partial Equivalents caused by different usage
Partial equivalents are also caused by different syntactical usage. The priority of Syntax due to the analytical character of the English language is reflected in a number of features firmly established in it by usage. Chief among them are: the use of homogeneous members which are logically incompatible, a peculiar use of parentheses, the morphological expression of the subject in the principal and the subordinate clauses, etc.
Without pomp and circumstance, N.A.T.O. closed its Paris head-quarters on Friday evening. The building which has housed the Secretariat and the 15 delegations for some 10 years has been rapidly emptying of furniture and staff.
В пятницу вечером без всякой пышности и церемоний закрылась штаб-квартира НАТО в Париже. Здание, в котором в течение 10 лет размещались секретариат и делегации 15 государств, быстро опустело – из него вывезли мебель и выехали все сотрудники.
The meaning of the verb “has been emptying of” is rendered in Russian by three verbs in conformity with the norm and usage of Russian language valency:
… здание опустело, мебель вывезли, сотрудники выехали.
A parenthetical phrase or clause sometimes breaks up the logical flow of the sentence which is common English as the relations between the members of the sentence are clear due to the priority of syntax. But such use necessitates a recasting of the Russian sentence, the parenthetical clause must be placed where it logically belongs to, sometimes even forming a separate sentence.
The Justice Party in Turkey has taken part in a coalition, and on another occasion its leader has been asked – but failed – to form a government.
Партия Справедливости в Турции один раз участвовала в коалиционном правительстве, а в другой раз лидеру партии было предложено сформировать правительство, но это ему не удалось.
As to the morphological expression of the subject in the principal and the subordinate clause it should be noted that syntactical hierarchy requires the use of a noun in the former and of a pronoun in the latter, regardless of their respective order.
The dark Algerian were ripe and as they crawled, the men picked the grapes and ate them. (J. Steinbeck).
Черный алжирский виноград уже поспел, и продвигавшиеся ползком солдаты срывали гроздья и ели их.
The subordinate clause is translated by an attributive participle group to avoid the use of a second subject.