The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire­land or simply Great Britain consists of England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland. It is situated on two large islands (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) which lie to the west of the Continent of Europe. The total land area of the United Kingdom is 224.100 square kilometers. The population of Great Britain is more than 56 million people.

The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the At­lantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The eastern coast is washed by the waters of the North Sea. The English Channel which is 32 km wide at its narrowest point separates the south-east of Great Britain from France. Great Britain has a rather varied landscape. The island of Great Britain is distinctly divided into two parts: mountainous (north and west) and lowland (south, and east). There are many rivers in Great Britain, but they are not large. The Severn in Wales and the Shannon in Ireland are the largest. The British Isles have a mild and temperate climate. Average temperatures in winter range from 4°C in the north to 5°C in the south, in summer - from 12°C to 16°C. The national resources of Great Britain are coal, oil, iron, tin ore, shale etc.

There are many large cities in Great Britain. Oxford and Cambridge are university towns. The largest city is London, the capital of the country. It is a great port and is situated on the river Thames.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is a parliamentary monarchy. It means that there is the Queen (or the King) and the Parliament, The Queen has almost no power in the country. Laws are made by the Parliament. The Bri­tish Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The main political parties are the Tory Party (conservative), the Labour Party, the Liberal Party and others. The Government is headed by the Prime Minister. As a rule, the Prime Minister is the leader of the party that has won the election.

Britain is the birthplace of many famous men. Among them are William Shakespeare, a great poet and playwright, the author of many famous tragedies and comedies; Robert Burns, a famous Scottish national poet; Walter Scott, a great master of histo­rical novel; Charles Dickens, one of the best writers of the 19th century; George Byron, Thomas Hardy. Many other great poets and writers were born here too. Great Britain is the birthplace of many popular kinds of sports such as football, rugby, cricket, golf, boxing and others.

Isles (Islands) - острова

the Thames - р.Темза

all over the world - во всем мире
W.Shakespare - В.Шекспир

R.Burns - P.Бернc

monarchy - монархия

the Labour Party - Лейбористская партия
the English Channel- Ла Манш
the Severn - р.Северн

the Shannon - р.Шенон

shale - глинистый сланец

the Tory Party - Тори (партия консерваторов)

the Liberal party - партия либералов
playwright - драматург



Great Britain is the birthplace of many popular kinds of sports such as football, rugby, cricket, field hockey, tennis, boxing and others. Sport is an important part of Englishmen's daily life. Most Englishmen regard themselves as sportsmen, and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them. The Britons are lovers of competitive sports. But of all sports two have won the greatest popularity: these are soccer and cricket. Football in particular has a vast number of supporters. It originated more that 200 years ago and in honour of its 200th anniversary there was a memorial game in Britain in 1963 where our legendary goalkeeper Lev Yashin took part and even was the captain of the symbolic All-World Team. It is played in winter. In all parts of Britain 25 million people attend matches during the football season. Most boys` schools as well as factories and offices have their own teams which usually play on Saturday afternoon. Professional football is big business in Britain. Professional soccer teams hold their finals at Wambley Stadium.

Rugby football is another popular game in Great Britain. Its played at public schools and universities. Rugby is played by 2 teams of 15 players each with an oval-shaped ball which may be carried and thrown but not forward.

Cricket is the game that English people like to play in summer. Field hockey is a popular winter game which both men and women play. Tennis is also one of the favorite games in England. Wimbledon is the centre of great international festi­vals held every summer, at which tennis players from all over the world compete. The Wimbledon Cup for men and women is the most important tennis event.

Golf is more popular in the US though the game originated in Scotland.

In recent years English people have become especially interested in athletics and the appearance of a great runner or a jumper at the White City stadium in London, always draws a great number of spectators. Also popular are boxing and wrest­ling, weightlifting, gymnastics and some newer sports such as judo, and karate.

England is situated on the British Isles and has a long coast line. That's why water sports are also popular here. Sailing is particularly popular and the Royal Yachting Association has over 1,500 clubs throughout the country. Other popular water sports include canoeing, rowing, water-skiing, surfing. Rowing is popular at the universities and public schools. The annual boat races between Oxford and Cambridge crews have become almost a national festival. Swimming is usually taught at school and millions of people in Britain enjoy this sport. Diving, under­water swimming and water polo are also popular. Riding and other equestrian sports are still traditionally popular in Great Britain. English winter is not severe as a rule, so people don't offer have a chance of skiing, skating and tobogganing. Ne­vertheless figureskating is rather popular and some Britain's figure-skaters are known all over the world. Winter is a great time for hunting too. In Scotland winter sports centers have been established in several parts of the highlands. Britain has about 350 indoor sports centers.


originator - создатель

supporter - сторонник

coast line - береговая линия

highlands - высокогорье

soccer - футбол

all-world team - сборная мира

Royal Yachting Association - Королевская Ассоциация Парусного Спорта



London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic, commercial and cultural center. It`s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is about 8 million.

London is one of the oldest cities in the world. It`s more than 2000 years old.

London is divided into 4 parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The heart of London is the City, its financial and business center. Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there, including the Bank of England and the Stock Exchange. Few people live here but over a million come here to work. There are some famous ancient buildings in the City: St.Paul`s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches and the Tower of London. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. Now it is a museum.

Westminster is the governmental part of London. Here you can see the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament, famous for its big bell is known as “Big Ben”. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. The colourful ceremony of changing the Royal Guard before the Palace is of great interest for people. This tradition is more than 200 years old. Westminster Abbey is one of the finest monuments of architecture. It was built in 1249. Nearly all English kings and queens were crowned there. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers, poets and painters were buried there: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling and others.

The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth. The best hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres are situated there. There are splendid houses and lovely gardens.

Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London, named so in memory of Admiral Nelson`s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson`s Column stands in the middle of the square. Not far from it there is the British Museum, which is famous all over the world. Its library has 6 million books.

The East End is the poorest district of London. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks there. The streets here are narrow and there are fewer parks. It is densily populated by working class people.


the Houses of Parliament -здание Парламента

Westminster Abbey - Вестминстерское Аббатство

Trafalgar Square - Трафальгарская площадь

Buckingham Palace - Букингемский дворец

the West End - Уэст Энд

the East End - Ист Энд

the City - Сити

the Tower - Тауэр



Oxford and Cambridge, known as Oxbridge, are famous for the oldest and most prestigious universities. Oxford University was founded in the middle of the 12th century. At that time the relationship between the students and the citizens were unfriendly and there was often fighting in the streets. Nowadays there are

12 000 students and 1 000 teachers. Outstanding scientists work at the numerous colleges of the University. Many prominent political figures of the past and present times got their education at Oxford.

The story of Cambridge University began in 1209. That was the year when several hundreds of students arrived in the little town of Cambridge from Oxford. Once a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Major orderd to arrest some students and hang them. In protest they left Oxford. The University was only for men until 1871, when the first women`s college was opened. Another was opened two years later and the third in 1954. In the 1970s most colleges opened their doors to both men and women. Nowadays almost all colleges are mixed.

Many great men studied at Oxbridge, such as Newton, Cromwell, Byron, Darwin and others.




1. Переведите следующие предложения, определите время и залог сказуемого. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. Cambridge University was founded in 1209. In Scotland winter sport centers have been established in several parts of the highlands. Once a man was killed by a student in Cambridge.

2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите время и залог сказуемого, поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Swimming is usually taught at school. This two middle distance-runnersare known all over the world. Football is played in winter in all parts of the country. The first and second places will be shared by the American and Russian teams. The match had been finished by 6 o'clock yesterday.

3. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

He was told to translate the text. The record was set yesterday. The athletes will be shown a new method of training.The letter is being written now. Volleyball can be played by everybody.



ВОПРОСЫ ПО ТЕМЕ "Великобритания"

1. What parts does Great Britain consist of? - Great Britain consists of the following parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

2. Where is Great Britain situated? - Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. 3. What is the capi­tal of Great Britain? - London is the capital of Great Britain. 4. What is the climate of Great Britain? - The climate of Great Britain is mild. 5. Are there many rivers in Great Britain? -Yes, there are. 6. There are many rivers in Great Britain. What is the population of Great Britain? - The population of Great Britain is 56 million people. 7. What kind of country is Great Britain? - Great Britain is a highly developed capitalist country. 8. What are the largest cities of Great Britain. - The larg­est cities of Great Britain are Leeds, Liverpool and others. 9. Name the oldest university towns in Great Britain. - The oldest university towns in Great Britain are Oxford and Camb­ridge.

11. What famous people studied at Cambridge University? - Many famous people studied at Cambridge University: Cromwell, Ba­con, Byron, Newton, Darwin and some others. 12. What kinds of sport originated in Great Britain? - Many kinds of sport ori­ginated in Great Britain, among them football, rugby, cricket, tennis, boxing and others.


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