Social Mobility
According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 'social mobility' is 'the ability to move easily from one social class, job or place to another'. It also implies a system of social hierarchy of stratification that people have created and lived in through centuries of history. There are, generally, two main kinds of social mobility that are equally marked and have to do with changing one's position in society — the 'horizontal' and the 'vertical' one. These are more easily illustrated than described. A change in occupation without moving into another social group has led to the idea of 'horizontal mobility'. An example would be the movement from the position of a manager in one company to a similar position in another. An urge to provide one's family with everything to make it a 'microcosm' of the world underlies the idea of 'vertical mobility' where
competition and prestige are no less important than necessity. An example here would be a situation where an industrial worker climbs to a higher rung of the social ladder and becomes a businessman, or, the other way round, when a landed aristocrat loses everything in a revolution and moves downward in the system. Nowadays, social mobility has become an important characteristic of Russian people.
How can this phenomenon be accounted for in our present-day social reality? Some reasons upon which both 'natives' and 'visitors' have tended to agree, have to do with the recent changes in our life: the formation of new ideals, attempts to imitate foreigners, seeming independence and a growing belief in private property.
Others, equally marked, have to do with the psychology of Russian people: a will to survive under any circumstances; a preoccupation with home and children, that has a sense of responsibility for their future; and that special attitude towards education that made Russian people experts in so many fields; and, last, but by no means least, a strong belief in our national values which, at every period of our history, helped to support and encourage us in all the difficulties.
—— 4.5. Grammar —————
4.5.1. Translate the following sentences into English using the adverbs in the box:
Recently, lately, just, ever, never, always, yet, since, finally.
1. Как психологи, так и социологи всегда сходятся во мнении, что особенности человеческого характера нередко зависят от его положения в обществе.
2. В детстве родители уделяли ему мало внимания, и это, в конечном счете, привело к тому, что у него появилось чувство неуверенности в себе, которое могло серьезно повлиять на его будущее.
3. Я недавно узнал, что это решение определило весь ход событий в прошлом году.
4. Я только что упомянул его имя в разговоре с нашим директором.
5. Мне никогда не приходило в голову, что это может исподволь повлиять на наши отношения.
6. Это явление еще недостаточно описано в литературе.
7. Он впервые побывал на Дальнем Востоке, когда ему было 17 лет, и с тех пор его не покидала страсть к путешествиям.
8. Вы когда-нибудь задумывались над тем, чем вызвано то особое отношение к морю, которое отличает всех англичан?
9. Последнее время я его не видел.
10. Последнее время что-то новое появилось в сфере торговли.