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1)... a corporation organized and existing under the laws of..., and having («штаб-квартира») at...
2) The use herein of the word «including», when following any (формулировка общего характера), term or matter, shall not be construed to limit such (формулировка общего характера), term or matter to the (конкретный термин) or matters set forth immediately following such word.
3) This Agreement (отменяет) all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions of the Parties.
4) This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with (Конвенция ООН о заключении контрактов).
5) The Court shall have jurisdiction over all (разногласия) which may arise under or in relation to this Agreement, especially with respect to (совершение и выполнение) of this Agreement.
6) The Buyer shall obtain any required (лицензия на экспорт) and any required (лицензия на импорт) and (соблюдать все формальности) as may be required to carry out the terms of this Agreement in accordance with then (действующее законодательство).
7) The Seller is not liable if any license or governmental (правомочие, санкция) is delayed, denied, revoked, restricted or not renewed.
8) A failure to strictly comply with (график поставки) shall be considered a breach which impairs the value of the entire Agreement.
9) The acceptance of (просроченная поставка) or (поставка дефектного товара) shall not be deemed a waiver of the Buyer of its right to cancel this Agreement.
10)Not that this is а (оговорка о паушальной сумме). Depending on the circumstances, it may be appropriate to have a separate price (i. e., equipment vs. labour price), (сметная цена) or (оговорка о препятствиях) which specifies the maximum amount of (эскалация цен) which permits the Seller to renegotiate or terminate the contract.
11)(Тратта выписывается на предъявителя) against presentation of shipping documents and (товарораспорядительные документы).
12)The Buyer shall request the (банк, выдающий аккредитив) to effect any such amendments to the letter of credit by notifying the (авизирующий банк) by telex or telecopy.
13)No implied or statutory (гарантия товарности изделия) or (гарантия годности товара) for particular purpose shall apply.
14)The Seller specifically agrees to (гарантировать возмещение ущерба) and hold the Buyer harmless from and against any and all (претензии по качеству изделия).
15)The Seller shall (отвечать по иску) brought against the Buyer.
16)An arbitration award reached (осуществляется в судебном порядке) under the laws of Seller's County.
17)(Мнение договаривающихся сторон о решении или определении арбитражного суда) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof, or application may be made to such court for a judicial recognition of the award or an order of (выполнение решения) thereof.