Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами из текста.


1. Generally speaking, the most basic problem economics is
concerned with is .... It means that ....

2. The three fundamental economic questions every economic
system must answer are ... .

3. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the
main types of economic systems. They are ....

4. It should be stressed that there are four primary economic
goals that a society aims to achieve. They are ....

5. Economic resources are means of producing an output of
goods and services. They include ....

6. Economics operates on two levels, ... and ... .

7. In free-market economies all decisions about resource
allocation are made by ... .

13. а) Познакомьтесь со схемой и назовите по-русски три основные про­
блемы, которые должна решать каждая экономическая система.

What Basic Questions Must Every Economic System Resolve?


to produce   to produce   to produce
The economic system   The economic system   The economic system
must decide what goods   must decide how to   must decide which
and services to produce   produce each good or   members of society will
with its land, labour, and   service — determining   receive how much of the
capital.   what mix of land, labour,   goods and services
    and capital to use in   produced — the process
    production and what   of allocating income.
    production methods to    

Б) Каждая из приведенных ниже ситуаций требует решения одного из трех основных вопросов экономики. Скажите, какой экономический вопрос решается в каждой ситуации.

l.The Parliament debates how much money to allocate to education programs and space projects.

2. Management at a major machine-building plant decides to modernize technology.

Unit 10

3. The government debates the issue of increasing welfare payments and programs.

14. а) Познакомьтесь с приведенной ниже схемой • назовите четыре эко­номические цели, которых стремится достичь любое общество. В чем суть каждой цели?




Efficiency Price Stability Full Emolovment Growth  
Obtaining the It is desirable to It is best to have Economic growth  
maximum have the overall an unemployment comes from an  
amount of output level of prices for level of not more increase in the  
per unit of input goods and than 4% or 5%, production  
helps in services remain considered full capacity of the  
overcoming relatively constant. employment. economy.  




Environmental Protection Financial Security   Economic Equity   Economic Justice   Economic Freedom