Выучите фразы, которые используются для выражения согласия или несогласия. Они,вам понадобятся при проведении дискуссии.
Agreement | |
Strong | Neutral |
I'm in complete agreement. I quite agree. I couldn't agree more. Yes, definitely. Exactly. Precisely. | I agree. You're right there. I think you're right. Yes, and... That's true. That's right. |
Disagreement | |
Strong | Neutral |
I disagree completely. That's out of the question. On the contrary. Of course not. That's ridiculous! (Нелепо!) | I don't agree. That's not how I see it. I wouldn't say that. I think you are wrong. I disagree. |
Выскажите свое мнение по проблемам высшего образования, дав ответы на следующие вопросы. Используйте разговорные формулы, приведенные выше.
1. Is it easy to decide what career to choose in the last year at
school? What helps make your choice?
2. There are different kinds of higher schools in our country
and abroad. What kinds of schools do young people prefer to study
in? Why?
3. It goes without saying that our higher school system could be
reorganized. How do you think it can be done? (To have highly
educated and trained teachers' staff; to provide wide and general tu
ition, economics, business, administration, computer studies,
communication skills; to supply colleges and universities with
modern technical equipment; to choose subjects to one's interests,
abilities; to get more practical work; to carry out research, etc.)
4. Multistaged system of education is popular in many coun
tries of the world. Is it popular in Russia? What appeals to you in
this system?
5. The status of engineers in society is not high, is it? Why?
What's your view on the state of education for the mineral indus
try engineers?
6. Highly educated people do much for their country, don't
they? What helps (to) make a person educated? Why do you think
it is important that everyone should be educated?
UNIT 3Outstanding Russian Scientists in Geology and Mining
А Грамматика 1 . Продолженные времена (Continuous Tenses) 2. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice) Текст А. А.М. Terpigorev (1873-1959) Б. Грамматика. Числительные Текст Б. А.Р. Karpinsky (1847-1936) В Текст В Конференция. Выдающиеся ученые в горном деле Кроссворд (Crossword) |