Составьте письменно 5 общих и 5 специальных вопросов к тексту о ' Ломоносове.
17. Переведите предложения:, используя следующие сочетания слов:
There appeared; to establish close contacts with; to carry ont research; to train engineers and technicians; to call for specialists
1. Московская горная академия готовила инженеров и тех
ников для горной и металлургической промышленности.
2. Ученые проводили научные исследования в области геоло
гии, горного дела и металлургии.
3. Академия устанавливала тесные контакты с угольными
бассейнами и промышленными предприятиями.
4. Быстрое развитие промышленности в стране требовало
подготовки высококвалифицированных специалистов.
5. В стране появились новые специальные учебные заведения.
18. Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями и подтвердите
свою точку зрения фактами из текста. Используйте предлагаемые разговор
ные формулы:
I don't think so; on the contrary; to my mind; in my opinion; as far as I know; as is known; in fact
1. The task of the Moscow Mining Academy was to train mining
specialists only.
2. The Academy established contacts with representatives of all
branches of industries.
3. There were five departments in the Academy.
4. There were only Russian books in the library of the Academy.
5. The rapid growth of the mining industry led to the establish
ment of new higher schools.
6. These scientists wrote the first textbook on machinery.
7. There were only a few higher educational establishments which
trained geologists and mining engineers.
8. New collieries and open-cast mines appeared in different parts
of the country.
А) Выберите нужную форму глагола из приведенных в скобках.
My name (is, was, am) Victor Sedov. I (is, am, was) seventeen years old. I (is, was?am) a first-year student of the mining college. Our college (is, are, was) in thе centre of the town.
I (have, has, had) a lot of friends at the college. After the course of studies we (shall, will,are going to become mining engineers.
My grandfather (were, was, will be) a mining engineer too. He (was,
had, is, have) a student of the Moscow Mining Academy many years ago.
It (had, was, were) one of the best-known educational institutions in the
Soviet Union.It (has,had,is) well-equipped laboratories and alibrary
with many volumes Russian and foreign books and journals on
geology and mining. '