Branches of Chemical Industry

Sulphur production

World sulphuric acid production has increased recently. In 2005 it was about 73 mln tons. Sulphur is produced either in yellow powder or in sulphuric acid though yellow powder production prevails. Both brimstone (самородная сера) and oil (or gas) can be used to get sulphur.

The leading producers of brimstone sulphur are USA, Poland, Iraq.

There’s a tendency to produce sulphur mainly from oil (or gas). Therefore production is close to oil and gas fields with high content of sulphur. In 2005 sulphur production structure was the following: 36% from gas (Canada, the countries of the former USSR, Middle East) and 26% from oil (USA, Japan, Europe - Holland, Germany, Italy). Leading sulphuric acid producers are Chile, China, Australia, Peru, Mexico, Canada, India.

The main deterrent (сдерживающий фактор) of sulphur production from oil and gas is ecological legislation: the sulphides emission standards and the standards of sulphur content in final petrochemical products (for example “Clean air” program). The leading polluters are USA, EU and Japan. 87% of sulphur is produced associatively. It helps to reduce costs (87% серы производится ассоциировано, т.е. попутно с другими продуктами. Это позволяет снизить себестоимость).

Страны - крупнейшие производители серы в 2010 г.:







Саудовская Аравия,




В 2015-2016 гг. сразу несколько арабских государств собираются вывести на рынок крупные объемы серы. Это в первую очередь Катар и ОАЭ. Сейчас (на 2010 г.) они производят 1,8 и 2 млн. тонн соответственно (при мировом производстве 68 млн. тонн), а через четыре года планируют выпускать по 6 млн. тонн. Таким образом, объем мирового производства только за счет этих двух стран вырастет почти на 8 млн. тонн.

Chemical fertilizers production

More than 160 mln tons of fertilizers are produced annually. The main centers of production are highly-developed countries: USA – 23 mln tons, Canada – 11, France – 1.5, Germany – 1.5, plus China – 20 and India – 5.

Nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers (азотные и фосфорные удобрения) dominate in the structure of chemical fertilizers. Potash fertilizers (калийные удобрения) are produced in 13 countries, including 5 leaders. Among these are Russia, Belarus, USA, Canada, Germany, Israel, Jordan. Nitrogen fertilizers are produced by China, USA, India, Russia. Russia, USA and China produce phosphoric fertilizers as well.

Plastic materials production

More than 100 mln tons are produced annually.

The largest producers are USA (30 mln tons), Japan - 13-15, Germany – 19, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Russia, China. High demand for plastics is linked to the fact that it is the main constructive material.

Man-made fiber production

4/5 of production is synthetic fiber (raw materials are hydrocarbons - углеводороды) and 1/5 - artificial fibers based on natural materials, mainly cellulose. The leaders are South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China.

Synthetic rubber production – Производство синтетического каучука

Total output is around 10 mln tons. Production is based on hydrocarbons. On the whole chemical industry is a huge consumer of raw materials. A final product weighs much less than the raw materials needed to produce it. Synthetic rubber production is a good illustration. One will need 3 tons of liquid gases or 9 tons of grains or 22 tons of potatoes to produce half a ton (!) of synthetic rubber. The leading producers are USA, Japan (Sumitomo), France (Michelin), Germany (Continental), Ireland, UK, Italy (Pirelli), Canada and Brazil.