Контрольная работа №4
Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы №4 следует щучить грамматический материал данного семестра. Затем выполнить упражнения, которые даны до контрольной работы. Упражнения можно выполнять либо письменно, либо устно (на усмотрение студента). Кроме того, перевести все тексты (также - либо письменно, либо устно). Студенты сдают упражнения и тексты устно: чтение на англ.языке и (перевод).
Контрольная работа выполняется по определенному варианту письменно в отдельной тетради для контрольных работ и сдается до начала сессии. Студенты, фамилии которых начинаются с буквы "А" по "И" (включительно), выполняют I вариант; с буквы "К" по "П" (включительно) - II вариант; с буквы "Р" по "Я" - III вариант.
Грамматический материал IV семестра:
1. Перфектный герундий.
2. Сложное дополнение.
3. Сложное подлежащее.
4. Независимый причастный оборот.
5. Условные предложения трех типов.
Текст, включенный в контрольную работу, переводится письменно в той же тетради, что и упражнения, и также сдается до начала сессии.
Разговорная тема IV семестра "My future profession". Образец текста темы дан в разработке. Тема сдается устно. Для сдачи темы можно составить план, адаптировать необходимые для пересказа предложения, подобрать к каждому пункту плана ключевые слова и опираться на них при пересказе. Сдавая тему, студент должен не только вести монологическую речь, но и уметь отвечать на вопросы преподавателя, а также сам задавать вопросы.
IV семестр завершается экзаменом. Содержание билета:
1. Чтение на английском языке и письменный перевод текста объемом 1200-1400 печатных знаков по специальности "Финансы и кредит".Перевод со словарем.
Время подготовки - 45 минут.
2. Ознакомительное чтение отрывка из статьи по специальности объемом 1000 печатных знаков (без словаря) н пересказ на русском языке. Время подготовки 15 минут.
3. Беседа по одной из пройденных тем устной речи.
К экзамену по английскому языку допускается студент, сдавший зачеты за предыдущие семестры (I, II, III) и сдавший контрольную работу с упражнениями и текстом письменно, а также все упражнения и тексты (устно) IV семестра.
Для подготовки к экзамену рекомендуется прочитать и перевести со словарем текст: cм. дополнение в конце методички.
Перед выполнением контрольной работы №4 тщательно проработайте необходимые разделы грамма- тики и выполните следующие упражнения:
I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения. Подчеркните перфектный герундий.
1. I knew of their having cut back on their spending. (Perfect Gerund Active) | Я знал, что они сократили свои расходы. |
2. I knew of their having been cut back on their spending. (Perfect Gerund Passive) | Я знал, что им сократили расходы. |
3. Their having cut back on their spending is no wonder. (Perfect Gerund Active) | To, что они сократили свои расходы, неудивительно. |
4. Their having been cut back on their spending is no wonder. (Perfect Gerund Passive) | To, что им сократили расходы, неудивительно. |
1. We know of his having influenced that business.
2. They have heard of this outstanding scientist having been decorated with the Nobel Prize.
3. Our having lived in your country for many years helped us to understand better your life and traditions.
4. Your having been helped in writing the report is quite evident.
5. I remember having been asked a lot of questions at the conference.
II. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. обращая внимание на перевод сложного дополнения и сложного подлежащего:
1. Everybody knows consumers to buy lots of goods before holidays. (сложное дополнение) | Известно, что покупатели приобретают множество товаров перед праздни- ками. |
2. Customers are known to buy lots of goods before holidays. (сложное подлежащее) | Все знают, что покупатели приобретают множество товаров перед праздни ками. |
1. I would like her to advise me to choose shoes.
2. Profits are known to decline during recessions.
3. The participants of the conference are said to arrive on Saturday.
4. We don't expect Russia to default on repayment to the International Currency Fund.
5. This shop is considered to be one of the main markets of goods.
III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, принимая во внимание перевод на русский язык причастных оборотов.
1. The participants came from ten countries. Britain being represented by Prof. Brown. | Участники прибыли из 10 стран, причем Великобританию представлял про- фессор Браун. |
2. The minister having signed the treaty, it was ratified. | После того, как министр подписал договор, он (договор) был ратифи- цирован. |
3. The economy moving into a recession, consumers will purchase cheaper items. | Поскольку экономика идет на спад. Покупатели будут приобретать более дешевые товары. |
1. The treaty on cooperation having been signed, trade relations between our countries began to develop.
2. The economy enjoying a boom, firms experience high sales and general prosperity.
3. The rights and liabilities of the parties to a contract having been considered, it is now necessary to see how the contractual relationship is accomplished.
4. Labour being the use of mental or physical work, goods are produced by people.
5. Many goods being paid in currency, customers will pay more.
IV. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие условные придаточные предложения.
1. If my experience and qualifications are of interest, I'll send my papers to you. (Present Indefinite) | Если бы коллеги спрашивали его чаше, им бы удалось избежать множества ошибок. |
2. If his colleagues asked him more often, they could avoid a lot of mistakes. (Past Indefinite) | Если мой опыт и квалификация представляют интерес, я отошлю Вам свои документы. |
3. If they had read this advertisement, they would have bought the equipment for their office cheaper. (Past Perfect) | Если бы они прочли эту рекламу, они купили бы оборудование для своего офиса дешевле. |
1. If you had reminded them about it, they would have enclosed a check for 500$.
2. If they trust him he will settle the problem as soon as possible.
3. If the equipment proves to be faulty or defective, the seller will have the right either to remedy the defect or to replace it with a new one.
4. If all the goods were delivered in time, there would be no problems with selling them.
5. If I find your position absolutely necessary for our agency, I'll arrange an appointment for you with the manager.
V. Прочитайте и переведите следующие тексты:
Text 1
The economic environment
(Экономическая среда)
The economy comprises millions of people and thousands of firms as well as the government and local authorities, all taking decisions about prices and wages, what to buy, sell, produce, export, import and many other matters. All these organizations and the decisions they take play a prominent part in shaping the business environment in which firms exist and operate.
The economy is complicated and difficult to control and predict, but it is certainly important to all businesses. You should be aware that there are times when businesses and individuals have plenty of funds to spend and there are times when they have to cut back on their spending. This can have enormous implications for business as a whole.
When the economy is enjoying a boom, firms experience high sales and general prosperity. At such times, unemployment is low and many firms will be investing funds to enable them to produce more. They do this because consumers have plenty of money to spend and firms expect high sales. It naturally follows that the stale of the economy is a major factor in the success of firms.
However, during periods when people have less to spend many firms face hard times as their sales fall. Thus, the economic environment alters as the economy moves into a recession. At that time, total spending declines as income falls and unemployment rises. Consumers will purchase cheaper items and cut expenditure on luxury items such as televisions and cars.
Changes in the state of the economy affect all types of business, though the extent to which they are affected varies. In the recession of the early 1990s the high street hanks suffered badly. Profits declined and. in some cases, losses were incurred. This was regarding because fewer people borrowed money from banks, thus denying them the opportunity to earn interest on loans, and a rising proportion of those who did borrow defaulted on repayment. These so-called "bad debts" cut profit margins substantially. Various forecasters reckoned that the National Westminster Bank's losses in the case of Robert Maxwell's collapsing business empire amounted to over £100 million.
No individual firm has the ability to control this aspect of its environment. Rather, it is the outcome of the actions of all the groups who make up society as well as being influenced by the actions of foreigners with whom the nation has dealings.
Text 2
Measuring economic activity
(Измерение экономической активности)
There are a large number of statistics produced regularly on the operation of the world's major economies. The UK's economy is no exception in this respect. You will probably have noticed that often the headlines in newspapers are important items on television news programmes relate to economic data and the implications for individuals and businesses. A prime example of this occurs when interest rates are increased: the media responds by highlighting the adverse effects on businesses with debts and householders with mortgages.
Data is provided on a wide range of aspects of the economy's operation. Statistics are available to show:
* the level of unemployment
* the level of inflation
* a country's trade balance with the rest of the world
* production volumes in key industries and the economy as a whole
* the level of wages
* raw material prices, and so forth..
The main statistics illustrating the economy's behavior relate to the level of activity in the economy. That is, they tell us whether the economy is working at full capacity using all or nearly all, available resources of labour, machinery and other factors of production or whether these resources are being under-utilized.
The unemployment figures for the economy give an indicator of the level of activity as the economy moves towards a recession and a lower level of prosperity it is likely that unemployment figures will rise. An alternative measure of the level of activity is national income statistics, which show the value of a nation's output during a year Economists use the term Gross National Product to describe these data. Changes in the level or trends of such key data have great significance for businesses, as we shall see later.
There are numerous sources of data on the economy of which we can make use. The government publishes much through the Treasury, Department of Trade and Industry, the Bank of England and the Department of Employment. The Central Statistical Office, which was established during the Second World War, publishes about half of the government's economic data.
Much of this is contained in its annual publication, "The Annual Abstract of Statistics". It also publishes the equally valuable "Social Trends" annually. Additionally, private organizations, such as the banks, building societies and universities, publish figures on various aspects of the economy's performance.
Economic statistics are presented in many forms, the most common being graphs and tables. Although these statistics can be valuable in assisting managers, they should be treated with some caution when predicting the future trend of the economy and thus helping the business to take effective decisions.
Text 3
Income (Доход)
The second of the three economic issues is the question of income, that is, income distribution, the way in which income - that's what people earn - is distributed or shared around.
You and your family, have an income. You have an annual income, that is what you earn in a year. This income allows you to enjoy various goods and services. It means you have a certain standard of Jiving. Your standard of living, of course, includes what you think of as necessary to your life, things like food, water, somewhere to live, health and education. But your income doesn't just cover the necessities of life. It also includes recreation, whether that's sport or TV or a holiday. Your income will be less than some of your neighbours’, but it will be more than some of your other neighbours’. Your neighbours mean not just people living in your own country, but also people living in other countries.
Just as you and your family have an income, so nations, different countries, also have an income - the national income, it's often called. A national income is not the money the government gets. The national income is the sum total of the incomes of all the people living in that country, in other words, everyone's income added together. In the same way one can think of world income as the total of all the incomes earned by all the people in the world.
Concerning the distribution of national and world income, some questions are to be asked: who, in the world, gets what share of these incomes. The distribution of income, either in the world or in a country, tells us how income is divided between different groups or individuals. Table I shows the distribution of world income. There are three headings down the left-hand side of the table: income per head, percentage оf world population and percentage of world income. In poor countries, like India, China and the Sudan, the income per head is only one hundred and fifty-five pounds per year. But at the same time, they have fifty point seven per cent of the world's population. These poor countries only have five per cent of the world's income.
In middle-income countries the income per head is eight hundred and forty pounds, that's in countries like Thailand and Brazil. In the major oil countries, like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, it's seven thousand, six hundred and seventy. In industrial countries it's six thousand, two hundred and seventy.
Turning to middle-income countries again, they have twenty-five point one per cent of world population, with fourteen point two per cent of world income. The major oil countries have point four per cent of population, the industrial countries fifteen point six. The oil countries have one point five per cent of world income, the industrial countries sixty-four point eight.
The first economic question is for whom does the world economy produce? As the table shows, it produces essentially for the people living in the rich industrial countries. They get sixty per cent of the world's income, although they only have sixteen per cent of its population. This suggests an answer to the second question, that is of what is produced. The answer is that most of world production will be directed towards the goods and services that these same rich industrialized countries want.
The third question is how goods are produced. In poor countries, with little machinery, not very much technical training and so on, workers produce much less than workers in rich countries. And poverty is very difficult to escape. It continues on and on. And this goes some way towards accounting for the differences in national incomes. It accounts for an unequal distribution of income, not just between countries but also between members of the same country, although there individual governments can help through taxation. In other words, governments can act to help distribute income throughout their population.
Контрольная работа №4
Варuант I
I. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод перфектного герундия на русский язык
1. The boy was blamed for not having helped his friend when the latter was in trouble.
2. Who is responsible for the prices not having been fixed yet?
3. His having failed at the examination was unexpected.
II. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, содержащие сложное подлежащее и сложное дополнение.
1. The keeper of a small shop knows his regular customers to buy most goods in his shop.
2. The wholesaler is considered to be a link between a customer and a shop.
3. We hoped you to come in contact with us soon as possible.
4. US officials believe him to be an important figure in the negotiations between the two countries.
III. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод на русский язык независимого причастного оборота.
1. The situation now becoming more dangerous, the companies try to influence it.
2. Changes in the economy affecting all types of business, consumers purchase cheaper items.
3. The government tax policy having been mentioned, the income level is to be reexamined.
IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения.
1. If she had had enough money, she would have bought that suit.
2. If you study business, you will understand the four basic factors of production.
3. If they were interested an alternative investment, they would be recommended one.
V. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст.
The Sole Proprietorship
The form which requires the least amount of capital and personnel is the sole proprietorship. Sole means single, and the proprietor is the owner. Therefore, a sole proprietorship is a business owned and operated by a single person. This single person can start a business by simply purchasing the necessary goods and equipment and opening up shop. There are very few government and legal regulations (rules) to comply with (follow). The sole proprietor owns all the business assets (properly), makes all the decisions, takes all the risks, and keeps all the profits of the business. The business itself pays no lax, but the owner must pay personal income taxes on his profits. If a sole proprietor is successful, he takes a lot of personal satisfaction in his enterprise. If he is not successful and he wants to close his business and start a new one, he simply has to sell his inventory (products or supplies) and equipment, pay his bills, close up shop, and begin a new activity.
1. Where do you study?
2. What department do you study at?
3. Do you study full time or part time?
4. Why do you study part time?
5. What subjects do the extramural students study to operate under new economic conditions?
6. Do you keep your job during the period when you take examinations at the Institute?
7. What specialists can the graduates from the Institute work?
8. Why is there a great demand for economists nowadays?
9. What is the work of an economist connected with?
10. What are the duties of an accountant?
11. What do specialists in marketing deal with?