Make a presentation on modern composite materials and their uses.
Причастные обороты.
Конструкция «Сложное дополнение» с причастием.
In the next room I could hear them arguing heatedly. Я слышал, как они яростно спорили в соседней комнате.
I found the laboratory closed. – Я обнаружил, что лаборатория закрыта.
Конструкция «Сложное подлежащее» с причастием.
He was seen engaged in a conversation with renowned scientist. Видели, как он беседовал c одним известным ученым.
The spacecraft was seen taking off. Видели, как космический корабль стартовал.
Независимый причастный оборот.
The data being thoroughly analyzed we were able to publish the results. После того, как все данные были тщательно проанализированы, мы смогли опубликовать результаты.
Circumstances permitting, we shall start the experiment tomorrow. Если обстоятельства позволят,мы приступим к опыту завтра.
The team of the researchers won the recognition of the world scientific community, a Russian atomic engineer being one of them. Группа исследователей завоевала всемирное признание, причем среди них был российский ученый- атомщик.
Независимый причастный оборот с предлогом.
They kept working, with all the computers engaged. Они продолжали работать, задействовав все терминалы.
They presented their project, with the chief being dissatisfied as usual. Они представили свой проект, однако шеф был, как всегда, недоволен.
Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the Participles and Participial Constructions.
1. The idea was that ships sailing in one direction would pass under one span, and those sailing in the other direction would use the other span.
2.A new design was made for a suspension bridge, at that time being the longest bridge in the world.
3.I learned a lot of practical skills, being supervised by skilled workers.
4. He was heard discussing the question of buying modern machinery with the board of directors.
5.He found all new equipment broken.
6.You can include roof panels to introduce natural light to all parts of thebuilding, permitting ventilation.
Skim the article to find sentences with Participles and Participial Constructions. Translate them into Russian.
Barren land