VIII. Read the text. Translate it into Russian.



England of 16-17th centuries began to develop a new line of trade - the trade in black slaves. This gave colossal profits. Whole Negro tribes were captured and sold in America and West India. The slaves worked on sugar and tobacco plantations. They were severely oppressed. Life conditions were unbearable. England fought for the monopoly of the slave trade.




1.Read and translate the following international words:

History, primitive community, method, human, individual, form, clan, product, group, metal, bronze, harpoon, start, farming.

II. Read and translate the derivatives. Mind the suffixes.


history – historical

common – community

to appear – appearance

to place - replacement

human – humanity

to know – knowledge

to develop - development

to hunt - hunting

wood - wooden

to invent - invention

to govern - government



III. Active vocabulary

1. mankind – человечество

2. fire - огонь

3. tools- орудия

4. labour - труд

5. replacement - замена

6. human - человеческое

7. clan-клан, род

8. tribe-племя

9. elder - старейшина

10. own - овладеть

11. to till - обрабатывать

12. primitive community - первобытное общество

13. a hand-axe - топор

14. a digging stick - палка-копалка

15. a wooden club - дубинка

16. stone-каменный

17. cattle breeding - скотоводство

18. harpoon - гарпун, крючок

19. bow - лук

20. arrow-стрела


IV. Read and translate the text: