III. Guess the word.
1.b.s.n..s; 2. p..tn.r.h.p; 3. .nd.s.r.; 4. v.l.m.; 5. l..nd..m.ts; 6. c.r..r.t..n; 7. r.c..pt; 8. r.st..r.nt.
IV. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence:
1. Small …… are very often service industries. 1 receipts
2. The …… industries don't produce material goods. 2 business
3. Моrеthan 80 per cent of all business 3 service
….are not from sole proprietorships. 4 privately
4. Lessthan 20 per cent of European businesses 5 account for
arepartnerships or …. 6 corporations
5. Soleproprietorships ……only a small part of 7 forms
all businessreceipts.
6. Is this bankowned publicly or …….?
7. There are three ……. of business ownership.
V. Translate these sentences into English:
1. Существует три вида бизнеса: частная собственность, товарищество и корпорация. 2. Частная собственность – самый распространенный вид бизнеса. 3. Частная собственность насчитывает только 16 процентов всех денежных поступлений.