Ex. 5 Translate these sentences from Russian into English.

1 Высшее образование в Британии предоставляется в университетах, колледжах, и высших образовательных учреждениях.

2 Оксфорд Кембридж - это старейшие университеты Англии, где наставники учат студентов в малых группах или индивидуально.

3 Высшее образование в Британии основано на процессе отбора по результатам собеседования.

4 В Оксфорде и Кембридже студенты сдают вступительные экзамены.

5 Британские студенты получают гранды и государственные займы.

6 Студенты получают степень бакалавра после трех лет обучения.

7 Открытый Университет - это самое большое образовательное учреждение, которое предлагает заочное обучение.


Education in the Republic of Belarus

Preschool Education

Each citizen of the Republic of Belarus is guaranteed the right to get education. The multilevel system established in the country allows exercising the right to the full extent.

Belarus has a well-regarded education system, including universities and further education institutions. There are more than 50 higher education establishments in Belarus which are governed by the Ministry of Education in Belarus.

Preschool education includes a net of preschool establishments differing by types and profile of work with children. For children under age 6 there are such types of preschool establishments as nursery, preprimary school, kindergarten, kindergarten-school.

According to the profile they can be divided into institution of general purpose, specialty schools, sanatory infant schools, special infant schools for psychophysically-challenged children, preschool centres of child’s development.

Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus but around 70 % of children do attend nursery or kindergarten before they start school.