Ex. 6 Translate these sentences from Russian into English.
1. Потребность в компетентных специалистах возросла в наше время.
2. Основной задачей студента является «учиться».
3. В конце каждого семестра студенты должны сдавать зачеты по практической работе и экзамены по теории.
4. Студенческая жизнь в свободное время разносторонняя и интересная.
5. Белорусские команды занимают первые места на олимпиадах по математике, экономике и программированию.
6. У студентов, живущих в общежитиях, есть специальные комнаты отдыха, комнаты для работы, помещения для занятий спортом со всем необходимым оборудованием.
7. Очень часто студенты ходят на экскурсии в местные достопримечательности, помещают музеи и картинные галереи.
8. Разные формы волонтерской работы помогают молодым людям проверить их способности, возможности в различных сферах труда и социополитической деятельности.
Education in Great Britain
Nursery and Primary Education
There are three stages of schooling in Great Britain with children moving from primary school( the 1st stage) to secondary school( the 2nd stage) . The third stage (the tertiary level) provides further and higher education and includes colleges of further education , technical colleges, colleges of higher education and universities.
Full-time education is compulsoryfor all children between the ages of 5 and 16 and it is free of charge at state schools, though parents may choose a private(fee-paying) school and spend their money on educating their children. Generally speaking, children may start their schooling at the age of 3-4 at nursery(pre-primary) schools which provide informal education and play facilities. The main aim of nursery schools is to give basic foundation in literacy and numeracy, or what is known as “the three Rs’(Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic) that is to prepare children for primary school. Nursery schools are not compulsory, the attendance is optional and only 25% of children attend them.
The average child begins his or her compulsory education at the age of 5 at primary school. The first two years are called the Infant school. Children learn to read, write and do simple arithmetic In addition they draw, paint, model and sing. At 7 pupils are transferred to the Junior school which is usually located in the same building. The following subjects are in the study program: English, mathematics, science, history, geography, music and others. At the age of 11 pupils finish the primary school and continue their education at one of the secondary schools.