Imperative Sentences
In a sen-ce which is an imperative one, the word order is:
The Predicate – The Object – The Adverbial Examples. See above.
There are other ways to ask smb. to do smth.
1. Can (could) you give me your phone, please.(polite request)
2. Will you start reading, please?
3. Let’s come along. Let him go.
4. Never come late again.
To sound polite use “please”, unless it is an instruction. Ex-le: To make tea first put a spoonful of tea into a cup and then pour some boiling water.
EXERCISE 4. React to the following situations.
1. Your child told you a lie.
2. Your boyfriend/ girlfriend is always late.
3. Your boss is shouting at you.
4. They are angry with you.
5. Your brother is always using your mobile.
6. Your friend borrows money and never gives it back.
7. Your pupils don't answer your questions.
8. Your child opened the door to strangers.
9. You invite somebody to have tea with you.
10. Your children are too noisy today.
11. Your friend has decided to leave her husband/ wife.
12. You and your friends want to see a new show.
EXERCISE 5. Translate the sentences.
1. Push. Pull. 2. Please Don't Feed The Animals. 3. Fasten Seat Belts. 4. Do Not Lean Out Of The Window. 5. Please stand on the right. 6. Beware of the dog. 7. No Smoking. 8. Queue This Side. 9. Slow down. 10. No Parking. 11. Do Not Walk On The Grass. 12.Passengers Must Not Cross The Line. 13. Mind the doors! 14. Keep Britain Tidy! 15. Choose the language. Enter the PIN code. 16. Wait, your transaction is processed. 17. The number you have dialed is blocked. Call later. 18. Don't mobile when mobile!
EXERCISE 6. Translate the sentences.
1. He волнуйтесь! Будьте счастливы! 2. Относитесь к этому легче. 3. Наслаждайтесь жизнью. 4. Никогда не говори «никогда»! 5. Не обращай внимания на такие вещи. 6. Не горячись! (сохраняй спокойствие). 7. Проваливай! Никогда больше здесь не появляйся. 8. Не кладите деньги в банк! Тратьте их! Но не тратьте слишком много! 9. Давайте будем друзьями. Давайте будем (останемся) вместе до конца. 10. Пусть играет музыка, давайте хорошо повеселимся. 11. Посетите наш сайт в Интернете. 12. Занимайся собственными делами! 13. Никогда не спорь со мной. Никогда не пререкайся со мной (to answer back). 14. Никогда не откладывай (put off till...) на завтра то, что можно сделать послезавтра. 15. Потише, потише, сбавь скорость. 16. Позвольте ему сделать так, как он хочет. 17. Расслабьтесь, хорошо?18. Не открывай дверь незнакомым людям, ладно? 19. Не пользуйтесь мобильными телефонами, когда вы за рулём. Это опасно. — Да знаю я это. 20. Выберите язык и введите PIN код. 21. Добро пожаловать в Великобританию!
(The ABC of English Grammar A.A. Ionina, A.S. Saakyan PP.81-82 Ex-s 15.1 – 15.3)
COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 2. You will get a piece of paper from your teacher. There are two words on it. You are ‘the word’ on the left. What kind of advice would you give to ‘the word on the right’? Say 3 dos and 3 don’ts. Use imperatives.
Teacher → Student
Student → Teacher