Exercise 1
Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
несметное число новых открытий; в размере нанометра; производственный процесс (процесс обработки); технологические достижения; атомный слой; новейшие технологии машиностроения; вызывать патологическую аномалию; применение в лечебных целях; заново, вновь; многофункциональная система диагностики.
Exercise 2
Complete the following sentences:
1. Nanoscience and nanotechnology refers to the understanding and control of matter at the ….
2. Nanotechnology emerges from the …, …, …, and …. sciences.
3. Nanolithography is a very active area of research used to ….
4. Nanotechnology and nanoscience offer a means to control the design and assembly of …
5. The nanoscale engineering principles derived could also lead to ….
Exercise 3
Answer the questions:
1. What is nanoscience? What is nanotechnology?
2. Nanotechnology emerges from different sciences, doesn’t it?
3. What is nanolithography?
4. What are the main components of nanoscience?
5. What can nanotechnology be used for?