Web resources monitoring
The web servers record their visitors’ behaviours, e.g., handling the resource requests from
clients in log files; statistical analyses of these files can provide measurements on total page
acquired, referrals, visitors’ uniqueness, as well as requested resource types (Bracke, 2002 ;
Anamarija et al., 2002). In addition, the logging services and analyses have been adopted in
a few healthcare and bioscience websites to determine the usefulness of online resources.
Furthermore, the system evaluation can enhance the online health sciences to conform to the
healthcare practitioners needs as well as to identify patient-specific information (Liu et al.,
2006). The techniques can assist administrators to evaluate websites, analyze resource
usages, justify the resource priorities, and improve websites design (Rowbottom et al., 2005;
Chen & Cimino, 2003; Chen & Cimino, 2004).