Free Translation
Free translation, that is, paraphrasing is a special type of translation used as a rule in annotations, précis, abstracts, etc. free translation is rendering of meaning regardless of form. The aim of such translation is to convey information to people in other countries in a most compact and condensed manner.
There is another interpretation of the term “Free translation”.
The translator in this case considers himself as co-author and takes great liberties with the original text resorting to unjustified expansion or omissions.
“She burst out crying” is translated as “Слезы показались на глазах моей милой малютки” (Ch. Dickens, tr. By J.V. Vedensky).
TO CONCLUDE: the three parameters of translation are: rendering of contents, rendering of form and observance of TL norms. These fundamentals are of equal significance and are to be duly taken into account in the process of translation. The vast resources of the Russian language enable the translator to achieve excellent and the fundamental principle of translation – what is said in one language can as well be said in another – remains inviolable.