Ex. 2 Listen to the way people respond to the expressions of gratitude. Identify the tunes these responses are pronounced with. Imitate them.
'Not at all. My pleasure. It's 'no trouble at all. That's ,all right. 'Please, don't mention it. I was glad to be of service. De lighted I was able to help you. It was the least I could do.
Ex. 3 Listen to the phrases used to accept apologies. Identify the tuneeach phrase is pronounced with. Pronounce them after the speaker.
That's all right. It's quite ,all right. Oh, never mind about that. Oh, 'don't vworry about that. Oh, don't sorry about that. Oh, that doesn't matter. It's no trouble at vall.
Ex. 4 Respond to the following utterances choosing the appropriate variant of apology.
1 (A manager to an employee)
— Could you come on Tuesday? a) I'm .sorry I can't.
b) I'm sorry I can't.
2 (A doctor to a patient)
—Will next Monday be all right for you?
a)I'm a fraid I'll be busy.
b)I'm a fraid I'll be busy.
3 (Two strangers in the street)
— You nearly knocked me over.
a) - I’m sorry, I 'didn't mean it.
b) - I'm /sorry, I didn't mean it.
4 (Two passengers in the bus)
—Excuse me, you are standing on my foot.
a) I'm sorry.
b) I'm sorry.
Ex. 5 Complete the following contexts using appropriate intonation patterns for the words of gratitude and responses to them given in the prompts.
1 - Excuse me, will it take me long to get to Trafalgar Square?
- No, it's no distance at all. (Thank you very much. That's all right.)
2 - Will you have another cup of tea?
- I wish I could, but I must be going. (Thank you for a wonderful meal. I'm glad you enjoyed it.)
3 - Could you pass me the pepper?
- Here it is. (Thanks. That's О. К.)
- Can I help you, sir? (Thanks a lot. It's a pleasure.)
- Should I take a bus?
- No, you'll walk it in under 5 minutes. (Many thanks. It's no trouble at all.
1 Карневская, Е. Б. Практическая фонетика английского языка : учеб. пособие / Е. Б. Карневская. – Мн.: Аверсэв», 2005. – 400 с.
2 Kenworthy, J. Teaching English pronunciation / J. Kenworthy. – London: Longman, 1987. – 164 p.
3 Kingdon, R. English intonation practice / R. Kingdon. – London, 1960. – 184 p.
4 Roach, P. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course / P. Roach. – Cambridge University Press, 1993. – 212 p.
5 Wells J.C. Longman pronunciation Dictionary. – Harlow: Longman, 1990. – 828p.
6 Карневская, Е. Б. Практическая фонетика английского языка : учеб. пособие / Е. Б. Карневская. – Мн.: Аверсэв», 2005. – 400 с.
7 Kenworthy, J. Teaching English pronunciation / J. Kenworthy. – London: Longman, 1987. – 164 p.
8 Kingdon, R. English intonation practice / R. Kingdon. – London, 1960. – 184 p.
9 Roach, P. English phonetics and phonology. A practical course / P. Roach. – Cambridge University Press, 1993. – 212 p.
10 Wells J.C. Longman pronunciation Dictionary. – Harlow: Longman, 1990. – 828p.
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