State supervision

State supervision (art. 44 of Occupational Safety Law of Ukraine) of occupational safety standard acts is duty of:

- Committee on Inspection of occupational safety of Ukraine (State Supervision of Occupational Safety);

- State Committee of Nuclear Energy Use and Radiation Safety;

- Bodies of Home Office Fire Safety of Ukraine;

- Sanitary and Epidemiological departments of Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Attorney General and attorneys process superior supervision of compliance with occupational safety laws.

Bodies of state supervision of occupational safety don’t depend on any private or public unions, political parties, local state administrations, and Council of Public Deputies, and act in accordance to statute approved by Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine.

State supervision officials (inspectors of occupational safety) have the following rights:

- free admission to any object to be under supervision for inspecting compliance of occupational safety standards and require any needed information from the owner or director;

- regulation of management of any object, departments of council of ministers of Crimea Republic, local council of public deputies, ministries and other central of executive bodies to eliminate noncompliance and flaws in sphere of occupational safety;

- to shut enterprise, technology, workshop or workplace until noncompliance and flaws in occupational safety, which introduce hazard and risk in working environment is eliminated;

- to take to administrative responsibility employees guilty in breaking standards of occupational safety;

- to inform management of enterprise about noncompliance of some officials and if needed to send materials to prosecutions department to pose criminal responsibility;

Bodies of state supervision of occupational safety establish regulations, instructions and other acts of occupational safety.

An enterprise manager or owner has to arrange conditions for occupational safety inspectors to work.

Legislation poses responsibilities to officials of state supervision of occupational safety for fulfilling their duties.