Reproduce the situations in which these phrases are used.

II. Translate the passage: "It gave Julia an opportunity to think".

III. Comment on Julia's words:

"Strange world we live in. Actors do their damnest to look like gentlemen arid gentlemen do all they can to look like actors".

"The littrness of life is not death, the bitterness of life is that love dies"

IV. Give a character-sketch of Charles..

V. Speak on the way Julia mimicked sex-appeal a la Judia Mayne. Do you believe this was sex-appeal?

VI. Act out the conversations between:

a) Julia and Evie;

b) Julia and the young man she met in the Edgware Rode.

VII. Observe Cockney features in Evie's and young man's speach. Make a list of them.

VIII. Translate into English.

1. Похоже, что он всему этому поверил.

2. Хорошо, сто я вовремя сообразила, что к чему.

3. Эта застывшая улыбка обескуражила ее.

4. Она слышала, что лондонская толпа – самая благопристойная в мире, но на этот раз ее поведение было просто бессовестным.

5. Двух мнений быть не может.

6. Как ты думаешь, если я действительно захочу понравиться мужчине, мне это удастся?

7. Она посмотрела на Джулию вопросительно: «А что такое?»

IX. Retell the chapters in detail.

Chapters 26-27

I. Word combinations and word expressions for intensive study:

to distract one's mind to settle a score with smb. from the standpoint of smth. to let bygones be bygones to come into money to follow smth. closely not to turn a hair as pleasedas Punch in rovenge to take (the) trouble to be under a delusion to fall for smb. to do wonders to watch smb. out of the comer of one's eye by oneself to take pains to do smth. to be (un)concious of smth.   to be driving at smth. to feel at home with smb. to take up modern languages in a flash an atmosphere of make-believe to get down to brass tacks to make an effort over oneself to tear oneself to pieces to bring down the house to have a short at smth. (not) to let smb. оut of one's sight to make light of smth. to seek salvation to live in one's pocket to be up to the mark to be at a loss to cope with smth. to be up against smth.