
Будущее простое время(The Future Simple Tense)

The Future Simple употребляется для выражения:

· решения, принятого непосредственно в момент речи;

It’s dark in here. I’ll turn on the light.

· предложения (о помощи, услуг), обещания, предупреждения, надежды;

I’ll help you carry your suitcase.

I promise I’ll be on time.

· Предположения (часто с глаголами believe, hope, think).

The new shopping centre will open next May.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы
I’ll(will) work* I won’t work Will I work? Yes, I will; No, I won’t.
You’ll work You won’t work Will you work? Yes, you will; No, you won’t.
He’ll work He won’t work Will he work? Yes, he will; No, he won’t.
She’ll work She won’t work Will she work? Yes, she will; No, she won’t.
It’ll work It won’t work Will it work? Yes, it will; No, it won’t.
We’ll work* We won’t work Will we work? Yes, we will; No, we won’t.
You’ll work You won’t work Will you work? Yes, you will; No, you won’t.
They’ll work They won’t work Will they work? Yes, they will; No, they won’t.

*В официальной речи для выражения решений в 1л. ед. и мн. ч. используется вспомогательный глагол shall.


Наречия и фразы, характерные для употребления The Future Simple Tense.


· tonight;

· tomorrow;

· soon;

· next week / month;

· in two days / a week;

· the day after tomorrow.


He’ll pass his driving test next week.


5. Вставьте will (‘ll) или will not (won’t).

  1. Don’t forget to take your gloves. It … be cold tomorrow.
  2. Hurry or you … catch the bus!
  3. “We haven’t got any potatoes.” “Okay, I … buy some.”
  4. Watch out or you … hit your head.
  5. Put on your jacket or you … be cold.
  6. I don’t like Paul so I … invite him to the party.
  7. I’m tired. I think I … stay at home tonight.
  8. I don’t think it … be sunny tomorrow.
  9. “Let’s go to a restaurant.” “Great! I … cook dinner, then.”
  10. It … be rainy tomorrow so don’t forget to take your umbrella.


Используйте опорные слова, чтобы составить предложения по образцу.


  1. It/not be/sunny today.

Ø It won’t be sunny today.

Ø Will it be sunny tomorrow, then?

  1. She/not do/ the shopping today.
  2. He/not cook/dinner tonight.
  3. I/not go/to the cinema tonight.
  4. Bill/hot play/ football this afternoon.
  5. He/not visit/ his sister today.
  6. I/not tidy/my room today.
  7. Ivan/not go/for a walk tonight.