Перевод непрототипического подлежащего (подлежащее – фактическое обстоятельство, объект или признак)
þ Прочитайте теорию о переводе непрототипического подлежащего в следующих источниках:
~ Бреус Е.В. Теория и практика перевода с английского языка на русский: Учебное пособие. 2 изд-е. – М., 2003. – с.28-33.
~ Аполлова М.А. Specific English (Грамматические трудности перевода). – М., 1977. – с.20-22.
~ Левицкая Т.Р., Фитерман А.М. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский. - М., 1973. – с.90-91.
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на подлежащие, являющиеся фактическим обстоятельством места.
1. The countryside was hot.
2. If it freezes, the roads will be dangerous.
3. Pork's voice was suspicious.
4. Keith's mouth was dry.
5. If I tried to get him on the subject he got mad at me. His eyes were spiteful.
6. Her voice was speculative.
7. His voice was surprised.
8. Her voice was contemptuous.
9. His voice was stubborn.
10. His voice was harsh.
11. Vito's voice was curious.
12. Millersen's voice was hesitant.
13. My throat was so dry that I could hardly speak.
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обратите внимание на подлежащее, играющее роль фактического обстоятельства времени, обстоятельства причины, цели или образа действия, объекта.
1. Each day that brought her nearer England increased her distress.
2. Another night, deep in the summer, the heat of my room sent me out into the streets.
3. His mistake had wasted precious seconds.
4. Recent years have seen the accumulation of new facts in this field.
5. He appeared to have a serious link with his work, which was obscurely governmental, vaguely important and took him to Washington several days a week.
6. The second half of the 15th century sawwars and conquests in Morocco and the colonization of Madeira and the Azores. These islands offer a pleasant climate and fertile land.
7. Queen Victoria's reign sawrumbustious political rallies in Hyde Park and Albert's Great Exhibition with Crystal Palace.
8. The postwar years have seendecisive advances in the study of primates such as chimpanzees and in discovery of fossils of our ancestors.
9. Paradoxically, the ending of the Cold War has not seena reduction in either personnel or budget of the secret Intelligence Service.
10. Commonwealth leaders yesterday concluded their biannual summit with pledges covering topics from South Africa to Cyprus, from democracy to global trade, but with little cloutbehind the words. Five days of talking produced a 17-page communiqué.
11. The main block of the boarding school housesthe boy's dormitories, dining rooms, common rooms and exercise room.
12. Built in 1933 as a memorial to Lillie Hitchcock Coit, who left a third of her fortune to beautify the city, the tower houses3,691 square feet of murals that portray the life of 1930s California.
13. The Southeast of Turkey harboursa number of ancient and diverse languages brought in by the different people who, over thousands of years, settled in this area of mountains and wide open spaces.
14. He was not a man to be trifled with.
15. The idea of Emma at Grayhallock was very hard to tolerate.
16. You can't imagine how difficult your Russian names are to remember.
17. She was easy enough to find if you knew the right people.
18. The spiritual and psychological bondage is so hard to break.
19. Violet Saffary was a nice little woman; not very pretty, but pleasant to look at.
20. This writer's difficult to read.
21. A severed telephone cable crippled long-distance phone service Friday to and from the New-York area, halted trading at some financial markets and delayed hundreds of flights at East Coast airports.
Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения с формальным подлежащим.
1. It was difficult to persuade him.
2. It is impossible to understand such things.
3. It was unusual to find the collection in the house of a planter.
4. It was good to bask in the sun of the Indian summer.
5. It was almost impossible to obtain these small luxuries now.
6. It is very difficult to get wine these days.
7. It was impossible to approach her on the subject.
8. It was hard to put up with her temper.
9. But it was hard now even to imagine that time.
10. It was hard to bear her malice all the same.
11. It was not easy to enforce the laws.
12. It's amusing to talk to her and it's nice to look at her.
13. It was very hard to please him.
14. It was not so easy to catch him as all that.
15. It was wonderful to behold Mrs Towler's face.
16. It is working people, many of whom cannot afford burglar alarms and private transport, or who live in rundown estates that are, in the main, victims of crime.
Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения с конструкцией ‘there is’.
1. There is milk in the jug.
2. There was a menace in his voice.
3. There was a storm coming.
4. There seemed to be no end to our troubles.
5. There entered John and Lucie holding each other's hands.
6. There isn't even the satisfaction of raising a row about it.
7. There was an unspeakable beauty about mornings, the great sun from the sea.
8. There is the fear that our civilisation may be completely destroyed by the new weapons of destruction that scientists have placed in the hands of their rulers.
9. I don't want to frighten you, but there's always the possibility that you will die, or be killed in an accident, while you are still young.
10. It always seemed to them that there hung about the house faintly the acrid smell of opium.
11. After all, there's no harm in trying.
12. Then finally she burst into laughter that made the other two want to go on and on for ever. And there were the three of them, shaking, watery-eyed, helpless.
13. Below and beyond there stretched toward the invisible sea the flat pale green expanse of Romney Marsh.
14. There had been mornings when he came in fearing to find Fanny dead.
15. And there was Fanny's poor old dressing-gown still hanging on the door.
I. Определяется какое значение у подлежащего.
· Если это значение деятеля, то в русском высказывании подлежащее остается тем же, что и в английской фразе.
· Если подлежащее обозначает не деятеля, а обстоятельство, объект или признак субъекта, то производятся следующие преобразования:
1. в русском высказывании используется обратный порядок слов;
2. английское подлежащее преобразуется в обстоятельство, дополнение или составное именное сказуемое;
3. слово в позиции ремы (после глагола) преобразуется в подлежащее русского высказывания; поскольку со сменой подлежащего меняется направление действия, то преобразуется и глагол.
II. Если английское предложение имеет формальное подлежащее, то:
· в русском высказывании используется обратный порядок слов;
return false">ссылка скрыта· английское подлежащее опускается и русское высказывание начинается с глагола;
· слова в позиции ремы преобразуются в подлежащее русского высказывания.
III. При переводе английских предложений с конструкцией there is сохраняется обратный порядок слов, подлежащее находится в конце русского высказывания.