Библиографический указатель
Н. G. Вamet t, Innovation: The Basis of Cultural Change, New York, 1953.
S. C. Gi1fi11an, The Sociology of Invention, Chicago, 1935.
M. Ginsberg, The Idea of Progress, Boston, 1953.
W. F. 0gburn, Social Change, New York, 1927.
T. Н. Greer, American Social Reform Movements, New York, 1949.
Н. Сantri1, The Psychology of Social Movements, New York, 1941.
W. King, Social Movements in the United States, New York. 1956.
A. L. Кrоeber, Configuration of Culture Growth, 1944.
B. Ma1inоwski. The Dynamics of Culture Change, 1945.
S. M. Rosen and L. R о s e n, Technology and Society, 1941.
A. Kamienski, Prehistoria Polskich Zwiazkow Miodziezy, Warszawa, 1959.