Pre-reading tasks
1. Read and learn the names of the following countries - the main trading partners of Russia:
Australia [os′treiljə] Indonesia [/indəu′nizjə]
Brazil [brə′zil] Irak [i′ra:k] = Iraq
Belgium [′beldЗəm] Iran [i′ra:n]
Canada [′kænədə] Israel [′izreiəl]
China [′t∫ainə] Italy [′itəli]
Finland [′finlənd] France [fra:ns]
Germany [′gə:məni] Japan [dЗə′pæn]
India [′indiə] UK
and find the names of their capitals in the following list:
Berlin [bə′lin], Paris [′pæris], Tokyo [′təukiəu], Ottawa [′otəwə], Brasilia [brə′ziliə], London [′lΛndən], Oslo [′ozləu]], Beijing [/bei′dЗiŋ], Washington [′wo∫iŋtən], Jakarta [dЗə′ka:tə], Canberra [′kænbərə], Rome [rəum], Teh(e)ran [/teə′ra:n], Tel Aviv [/telə′viv], Bag(h)dad [/bæg′dæd], Delhi [′deli], Brussels [′brΛsəlz]
2. Read and learn the names of the following countries – members of CIS. Match the countries with their capitals:
1.Armenia [a:′mi:njə] a. Bish′kek
2.Azerbaijan [/æzəbai′dЗa:n] b. Kiev
3.Byelorussia [bi/eləu′rΛ∫ə], Belarus [/belə′ru:s] c. Erevan [/erə′va:n]
4.Ukraine, the [ju′krein] d. Dushanbe [dju:′∫a:mbə]
5.Kazakhstan [/kæzæk′sta:n] e. Ba′ku
6.Russia [′rΛ∫ə] f. Astana
7. Moldavia g. Tash′kent
8. Uzbekistan [/uzbekis′ta:n] h. Kishinev [ki∫i′njo:f]
9. Turkmenistan [/təkmeni′sta:n] i. Ashghabad [/æ∫gə′ba:d]
10. Tajiki′stan j. Moscow
11. Kyrgystan [/kə:gi′sta:n] k. Minsk
3. Read and learn the names of the following countries – preferable tourist destinations of Russian tourists:
Bulgaria [bΛl′geəriə] Jamaica [dЗə′meikə]
Croatia [krəu′ei∫ə] Jordan [′dЗo:dn]
Cyprus [′saiprəs] Maldives [′mo:ldivz]
Czechia [′t∫ekiə] Spain [spein]
Egypt [′i:dЗipt] Thailand [′tailænd]
Greece [gri:s] Turkey [′tə:ki]
4. Complete the sentences:
1. Ankara [′ænkərə] is the capital of .... .
2. Madrid [mə′drid] is the capital of ... .
3. Prague [pra:g] is the capital of ... .
4. Athens [′æθinz] is the capital of ... .
5. Cairo [′kairəu] is the capital of ... .
6. Amman [ə′ma:n] is the capital of ... .
7. Sofia [′səufiə] is the capital of ... .
8. Nicosia [/nikə′siə] is the capital of ... .
9. Bangkok [/bæŋ′kok] is the capital of ... .
5. Answer the questions:
1. What countries are situated in Europe? 2. What Asian countries do you know? 3. What city was the capital of the Olympic Games 2008? 4. What country occupies the whole continent? 5. What countries are members of North American Treaty Organization (NATO)? 6. What country would you prefer to visit – Greece or Thailand? Why? 7. What country would you like to live in?
6. Say in English:
a) Китай, Индия, Бельгия, Австралия, Греция, Израиль, Франция, Германия, Белоруссия, Армения, Турция, Египет, Чехия, Кипр, Иордания, Испания, Тайланд, Мальдивы, Канада, Бразилия.
b) Пекин, София, Каир, Мадрид, Афины, Оттава, Брюссель, Рим, Лондон, Канберра, Токио, Нико′сия.
7. Form adjectives:
Russia +ian (ean)= Russian Spain +ish= Spanish China +ese = Chinese
Bulgaria Sweden Japan
Norway Scotland Vietnam
Hungary Poland Bhutan
Canada Finland
Armenia Turkey
8. Translate:
Egyptian, Belgian, French, Greek, Finnish, Japanese, Czech, Cyprian, Turkish, Korean, Mongolian, American, Indian, Chilian, Nigerian.
9. Translate the following international words and word combinations from text 1:
corporate meetings, budgets, business tourism, visa, service, presentation, ideal location for conferences, telecommunication systems, commerce and industry, global business tourism market.
10. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the title: