Упражнение 43
- The machine technologist proved to be able to do the function of a programming engineer perfectly well.
- It is impossible for us to accept these terms.
- To enter this market requires a lot of hard work.
- It is important to carry out these changes as quickly.
- Data transmitted during flight are usually provided to the experimenter on magnetic tape.
- Who does the idea of creating a multistage rocket belongs to?
- It is now possible for scientists to find a book or an article quickly with the help of computer systems existing in libraries.
- Electric current gives both light and heat.
- Matter and energy are considered to be neither destroyed nor created.
- A uniform acceleration is found to be either positive or negative.
- In what terms must a problem to be solved by a computer be expressed?
- A computer is supposed to produce information by some logic process.
- What proves to be very effective?
- What data appear to have helped the engineers greatly?
- This machine seems to perform all the calculations with low speed, doesn’t it?
- We objected to the ore being shipped in bulk.
- They informed us of the vessel having left the port.
- The buyers had not the right to transfer their rights and obligations under the contract without the sellers' consent being previously obtained.
- The loss resulted from the vessel being prevented from loading a full cargo.
- My task having been finished, I went home.
- I'll pick you up at your hotel at 9 o'clock.
- Will you have the report ready by tomorrow morning?
- We've played lots of matches this season, but we haven't won many.
- Having made a great number of calculations Tsiolkovsky noted that it would be the rocket which would be able to reach outer space.
- Since these devices are likely to be used by the million in the near future, it is reasonable to ask what a microprocessor is, how it can be used and what its future impact will be.
- Why don't you answer when you are spoken to?
- The price mentioned was five per cent lower than that which had been paid under the previous contract.
- The news that he was coming reached us early in the evening.
- Ideal would be a single device in which vast amounts of information could be stored in non-volatile form suitable for archival record-keeping and yet be accessible at electronic speeds when called for.
- The higher the temperature, the more rapid is the motion of the molecules.
- Were there no Earth's gravitation, artificial satellites would move through airless space in a straight line at a uniform speed.
- It would have been impossible to launch space satellites and space rockets provided we had not had the necessary materials and synthetic fuels.
- Don't raise the temperature lest the speed of the reaction should be too high.
- It is the hydro-engineering complex which will protect Leningrad from floods.
- It is to be noted that automation today is an important factor of industrial production.