Упражнение 26


  1. How does the receiver decode and interpret the message?
  2. Experiments in heating and condensing plasma to receive thermonuclear fusion are being conducted at one of the world's biggest laser thermonuclear installations "Delfin" (Dolphin).
  3. The only thing was to say nothing.
  4. If frozen, water becomes ice.
  5. There are many defaults in this device, aren’t there?
  6. Machine language is also known as low-level language.
  7. She not only sings, she plays the guitar as well.
  8. Smoking is dangerous.
  9. Synthetic materials used in space technology are not affected by changes in temperature.
  10. The academic year is divided into two terms.
  11. The experts are to inspect this plant.
  12. Reactive gas plasma technology is reported to be presently in wide-spread use in the semiconductor industry.
  13. The film technology has proved to provide precise dimensions.
  14. The importance of sport is known to everybody.
  15. We all hoped for a change of the weather.
  16. We watched the robot perform many operations.
  17. Testing the engine they found serious defects.
  18. I cannot but agree with you.
  19. The design discussed was adopted.
  20. Yablochkov was the first to realize the advantages of the alternating current, wasn’t it?
  21. His report was followed by a short film.
  22. The methods introduced received general recognition.
  23. She will have many new subjects next term.
  24. When required, these data will be applied in our practical work.
  25. Об when P2
  26. There must be a mistake somewhere.
  27. He must have made a decision yesterday.
  28. It would be desirable to carry out this work as soon as possible.
  29. You could have done this work better.
  30. He thought I should come to the laboratory.
  31. I'm not sure where he's from.
  32. I suggested meeting again after we had read the pro­posals.
  33. As soon as we had installed the new line, productivi­ty went up.
  34. The result will be that they can not go there frequently.
  35. A thin film happens even to be employed to select the areas on a wafer that are to be oxidized.
  36. Two independent lines of development are considered to lead to microscopic technique that produced the present integrated circuits.
  37. The hole is not a real particle but merely the absence of an electron at a position where one would be found in a pure lattice of silicon atoms.
  38. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there.
  39. If I had seen him yesterday, I should have told him about it.
  40. It is supposed (believed) that the transistor had an advantage over the best vacuum tubes.
  41. It appears (seems, proves) that the object of the research is significant