I. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на поиск идентичных или аналогичных фразеологизмов.

1) Не had to keep a sharp eye on his sister for the sake of her good. 2) The woman obviously had the gift of second sight, whatever it might be. 3) It was still not unheard of for an angry parent to cut off his son with a shilling. 4) If you haven't been born under a lucky star you just have to work all the harder to get what you want. 5) Oh, by the way, if you want a bath, take one. There isn’t a Peeping Tom on the place. 6) The mere sound of that execrable, ugly name made his blood run cold and his breath come in laboured gasps. 7) He would stand second to none in his devotion to the custom. 8) I can't make out how you stand London society when it has gone to the dogs, a lot of damned nobodies talking about nothing. 9) According to Michael, they must take it by the short hairs, or they might as well put up the shutters. 10) He knew how the land lay between his hopes and the number of missions Colonel Cathcart was constantly increasing. 11) I thought it my duty to warn you, but I'm prepared to take the rough and the smooth.


II. Определите значение и источники происхождения выделенных фразеологических единиц. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подбирая соответствия выделенным фразеологизмам.

1) The most depressing rumours are about here as to the next... production – Julius Caesar or some such obsolete rubbish... Will nothing persuade him that Queen Anne is dead! 2) I could not let him talk to me like some Dutch uncle. 3) She offered me a choice between French and Russian dressing, and I chose the latter, and she brought something red in a small sauser. 4) He replied that The Star-Spangled Banner was the greatest piece of music ever composed. 5) They couldn't touch him because he was Tarzan, Cain and the Flying Dutchman. 6) Aunt Ursula knew Oswald well enough to be a little suspicious of his Greek gifts, but could not help being flattered by his attention. 7) This is a Trust Fund. Anything that it supports must be Caesar's wife. 8) In short, gentlemen, I come to you bearing an olive branch. 9) At last he would return, like the prodigal son, gloomy, worn out, and disgusted with himself. 10) They motored up, taking Michael Mont, who, being in his seventh heaven, was found by Winifred “very amusing”.