ICAO is the specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for all aspects of civil aviation. It sets international standards and regulations necessary for safety and regularity of air transport and serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its contracting states. Through its regional offices situated at strategic locations throughout the world, and through its regular programme of worldwide meetings held at its headquarters ICAO is in direct and frequent contact with civil aviation authorities in all member-states. Their most knowledgeable experts are often invited to help the Secretariat solve specific problems. The organization also gains deep understanding of the needs and the problems facing countries in every stage of development. It is not only an international regularity agency, not only as «a friend in need», when things go wrong, not only as a source of assistance in technical training, but as an expert and impartial body whose advice is of value to them in all their civil aviation developments. ICAO's primary concern has been with international civil aviation. Among its multifaceted activities ICAO becomes engaged in projects relating to both domestic and international civil aviation, whenever it could promote the economic and social progress of developing states. ICAO is a non-profit intergovernmental organization with no commercial interests.
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