Prepare a short presentation on one of the problems given below (see Appendix 4 on p. 43)

1. Famous Russian physicists.

2. New inventions in the field of magnetism.

3. Breeds of dogs and national stereotype.

4. Choosing the right pet.

5. Bird-twitching in Britain.

6. The rescue dogs: myth and reality.

7. The article I’ve recently read.



IV. Final Activity

Visit the link to find out more about the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy.

Consider the following points:

- the history of the faculty;

- the faculty staff;

- the departments of the faculty;

- the total number of students;

- students’ life.

Present your report in writing (1 page).

You can use other additional resources.


Poem on the History of Electricity

By Ann Kabat

Luigi Galvani, Italy 1737-1798, anatomist

While dissecting a dead frog he accidentally made a closed circuit. Yes, he made a cell using a muscle tissue, brass and iron. What a shocker when the frog ‘jumped’- okay maybe it’s leg just twitched. Anyway, based on his observations Galvani thought that electricity came from the tissue and as such called it “animal electricity”.


BUT beware…there was another man with a different explanation

Can you imagine their discussion?


There was…..

electrified air in the room at science fair

where Galvani’s and Volta’s

spark electric signals all in vain.

By the sea, under an olive tree,

A top Mount Vesuvius, in the heart of Rome and Naples…..

to no abate they led long exciting debate

their charged ideas attracted and

in resolving the mystery of an electric s

And so it went… animal, or metal ?

they argued who is right and mighty

in discovering the true source of electricity.


Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) opposed Galvani’s idea and proposed that the new source of electricity comes from metals, he called it “metallic electricity”.

So who was right?


I. Reading and Speaking Practice Section

1. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

mechanic; mechanics; mechanization; mechanize; machine; machinery; engineer; engineering; accumulation; accumulator; accumulate; cultivator; cultivate; combine, combiner; control.


2. Match the English names of the agricultural tools with their Russian equivalents:

spade ведро
rake мотыга
hoe грабли
trowel лопата
pitches садовый совок
bucket вилы
ripper лейка
sprinkle рыхлитель


3. Discuss in small groups the following points (see Appendix 1 on p.39):

- agricultural machinery you know;

- main agricultural tools;

- what agricultural machinery is used for;

- what you know about the profession of a mechanical engineer.


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