Is hard to believe that Peter is already three years old.

A)there B)here C)its D)it is E)this

14.Выберите правильный вариант перевода на английский язык:

На дороге не было ни одного светофора.

A) There many traffic lights on the road.

B) There aren’t any traffic lights on the road

C) Many traffic lights were on the road.

D) There were no any traffic lights on the road.

E) There are some traffic lights on the road.

15.Выберите правильный ответ:

It was my first flight. I was very nervous as the plane . . .

A)took after B) took into C)took D)took off E)took up

16.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:

She is interested . . . listening to any kind of music.

A) of B) at C) after D) with E) in

17.Укажите предложение, где глагол « to be » является модальным:

A)The President is to visit Prime Minister tomorrow.

B)She is turning the radio off.

C)He is a millionaire

D)It is crowded

E)What is your brother’s name?

18.Найти нужный вариант ответа : Does . . . want to eat . . .?

A)someone/ something B)somebody/ something C)anyone/ anything

D)nobody/ anything E)no one/ nothing

19.Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму:

Turn the volume down!

A)Not turn the volume down B)Turn but not the volume down.

C)Do the volume down! D)Don’t turn the volume down!

E)No turn the volume down

20.Выберите верный вариант отрицания к данному предложению:

I used to play tennis a lot, but now I’m too lazy.

A)I didn’t use to play tennis a lot B)I didn’t used to play tennis a lot

C)I used not play tennis a lot. D)I not use to play tennis a lot.

E)I use not to play tennis a lot.

21.Выделенное слово в предложение является:

I hate the idea of getting old.

A)Participle 2 B)Adjective C)Gerund D) Participle 1 E)Infinitive

22.Перевидите на английский язык:

Я всегда готов помочь детям.

A)I was always ready to help children. B) I am always ready to helping children

C) I am always ready to being help children D) I am always ready to help children

E) I was always ready to help children

23.Выберите нужный по смыслу глагол, обращая внимание на его форму:

I’m not quite ready yet. Do you mind. . .a little longer?

A)to waiting B)waited C)waiting D)to wait E) been waiting

24.Допишите предложение:

The novel <Treasure Island> was written by . . .

A)Mark Twain B)Robert Stevenson C)Somerset Maugham

D)Alan Marshall E)Robert Burns

25.Выберите правильный русский эквивалент для предложения:

Вы шутите?

A)You are kidding? B)You are kid? C)Are you kidden?

D)Kidding? E)Are you kidding?

26.Выразите одним словом:

We use it to drink water.

A)spoon B)mug C)knife D)saucer E)cupboard

27.Закончите пословицу: