bedside table ['bedˌsaɪd] тумбочкаdetergent [dɪ'tɜːʤ(ə)nt] моющ. средство
bedspread ['bedspred] n покрывалоgel[ʤel] n гель
blanket ['blæŋkɪt] n одеялоlavatory ['lævət(ə)rɪ] n туалет
blanket cover ['kʌvə] пододеяльникWC [ˌdʌbljuː'siː] n туалет
double bed ['dʌblbed] двуспальн. кроватьshampoo [ʃæm'puː] n шампунь
furniture['fɜːnɪʧə] n мебель shower ['ʃauə] n душ
mattress ['mætrəs] n матрацsoap [səup] n мыло
napkin ['næpkɪn] n салфетка sponge [spʌnʤ] n мочалка, губка
pillow ['pɪləu] n подушкаtap [tæp] n водопроводный кран
pillowcase ['pɪləukeɪs] n наволочкаtoothbrush ['tuːθbrʌʃ] n зубная щетка
rug [rʌg] n коврикtoothpaste ['tuːθpeɪst] n зубная паста
tablecloth ['teɪblklɔθ] n скатертьtowel ['tauəl] n полотенце
furnish ['fɜːnɪʃ] v обставлять (мебелью)expensive [ɪk'spensɪv] adj дорогой
electric shaver ['ʃeɪvə] n элек. бритва waste bin ['weɪstbɪn] мусорн. бак
shaving accessories ['ʃeɪvɪŋ ək'sesərɪz] принадлежности для бритья
washing machine ['wɔʃɪŋ mə'ʃiːn] n стиральная машина
washing powder ['wɔʃɪŋ 'paudə] n стиральный порошок
wash[wɔʃ] v мыть, стирать, мыться too [tuː] слишком (перед прил. и нар.)
few[fjuː] мало(с исчисл.) little ['lɪtl] мало (с неисчисл.)
a few несколько, немного (с исч.) a little немного (с неисчисл.)
many['menı] много (с исчисл.)much [mʌʧ] много (с неисчисл.)
How many сколько (с исч.)How much сколько (с неисчисл.)
Ex. 2.Прочитайте и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, затем сделайте обратный перевод и сравните с оригиналом, проанализируйте ошибки и переведите предложения на английский язык еще раз:
1. Don’t furnish the room with very expensive tables and chairs. 2. Clean the rug, please. 3. There is an expensive bottle of white wine in the cupboard. 4. Take your toothbrush and toothpaste and clean your teeth. 5. I have got few French books at home. 6. There is a lot of furniture in the room. 7. We haven’t got any washing powder. Buy some. 8. Have you got an electric shaver? 9. Is this a blanket cover or a sheet on that shelf? 10. Wash your face, it’s dirty. 11. Wash the bedspread, please. 12. This is a bedside table and that is a wardrobe. 13. Don’t take the detergent. 14. There is a new mattress on that double bed. 15. Your blanket and pillow are in the tent. 16. Don’t wash this white tablecloth with that blue pillowcase. 17. Her washing gel and shampoo aren’t here. – Neither are mine! 18. There is a sponge and a little soap on the shelf in the bathroom. 19. Where are my shaving accessories, Mary? – They are in your bag. 20. Take a shower, you have got a few minutes. 21. Why is my towel in the waste bin? – It is too old and dirty. 22. Have you got a washing machine? 23. There are two lavatories in their new flat. 24. Is there a WC at the supermarket? 25. Buy a new tap. This one is too bad. 26. There’s little gel here.
Ex. 3. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующие речевые образцы:
1. How many books are there on the shelf? – There are few books there.
2. How many rooms are there in your new flat? – There are five rooms there.
3. How many cats are there on the roof? – There a few cats there.
4. How much meat is there in the fridge? – There’s a little meat there.
5. How much tea is there in your cup? – There’s little tea there.
Ex. 4. Заполните пропуски словами how much или how many:
1. … tea is there in your cup? 2. … cups are there in the cupboard? 3. … washing powder have you got? 4. … cups of coffee have you got a day? 5. … coffee have you got a day? 6. … books have you got? 7. … money has he got? 8. … meat is there in the fridge? 9. … water is there in the lake? 10. … pupils are there in your class? 11. … cheese have you got? 12. … magazines have they got? 13. … bread has she got? 14. … teapots has he got? 15. … bacon have they got?
Ex. 5. Заполните пропуски словами a lot of, much или many:
1.There are some pears and … apples in the fridge. 2. She has got … books at home. 3. Have you got … meat? 4. We haven’t got … tea at home. 5. He’s got … pictures in his new house. 6. Are there … boys in your class? 7. There are … English films there. 8. There is not … coffee in his cup. 9. She has got … friends. 10. Is there … bread in the kitchen? 11. He hasn’t got … money. 12. You haven’t got … shops in your town. 13. He hasn’t got … friends. 14. He’s got … plans, but hasn’t got … money.
Ex. 6. Заполните пропуски словами few или little:
1. … of these books are new. 2. He has got … friends. 3. I have got … coffee. 4. They have … money. 5. There are very … children in the yard. 6. There is … water in the bottle. 7. There are … pears on the table. 8. He has … English books. 9. There is … tea in my glass. Have you got any tea? 10. There is too … fish on my plate. 11. There is too … in the room. 12. There are … sweets in the box.
Ex. 7. Заполните пропуски словами a few или a little:
1. Have you got ... wine? 2. He has ... friends. 3. Wait ..., please. I am too busy now. 4. It is ... difficult, not very. 5. Have some tea: there’s still ... in the teapot. 6. There are … new pictures in the room. 7. There are … plates on the table. 8. There is … milk in the bottle. 9. There are … pears in the bowl. 10. John has got … friends. 11. She is … late. 12. Let’s go to the cinema, I’ve got … money.
Ex. 8. Переведите на английский язык:
a) много воды, много стульев, много детей, много молока, много мяса, много денег, много лимонов, много картин, много летчиков, много ошибок, много писателей, много банков, много голодных студентов, много вкусных конфет, много зеленой травы, много легких текстов, много французских фильмов, много удобных кресел, много глубоких озер.
b) мало тетрадей, мало молока, мало домов, мало чая, мало чашек, мало яблок, мало окон, мало света, мало кофе, мало деревьев, мало травы, мало детей, мало парт, мало интересных книг, мало умных статей, мало красивых перчаток, мало уютных баров, мало красных ковров, мало вкусных тортов, мало толстых котов, мало вкусного мяса.
с) немного сыра, немного денег, несколько столов, несколько кресел, немного воды, несколько машин, немного вина, несколько минут, немного света, несколько кошек, несколько дней, немного мяса, несколько младенцев, несколько церквей, немного белого хлеба, несколько английских книг, несколько талантливых детей, немного зеленой травы.
d) мало воды, немного воды, мало стульев, несколько стульев, мало денег, немного денег, мало озер, несколько озер, несколько палаток, мало молока, несколько простыней, мало студентов, мало чая, несколько морей, мало карандашей, мало моряков, немного мяса, несколько мужчин, мало мышей, несколько ошибок, немного травы, мало магазинов, мало хлеба.
Ex. 9.Составьте микродиалоги по образцу:
Model 1: – How many book have you got?
– I’ve got a lot of books. (I’ve got few/a few books.)
Model 2: – How much money has he got?
– He has got a lot of money. (He has got little/a little money.)
Model 3: – Have you got much bread?
– No, I haven’t. I’ve got little/a little bread.
Model 4: – Have you got many apples?
– No, I haven’t. I’ve got few/a few apples.
Ex. 10. Опишите а) вашу ванную комнату; б) вашу спальню.