Б)Игра слов в оригинале и переводе



 Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на игру слов в оригинале:


1. He crowdeda lot of adventures intohis young life.

2. The invention of the printing press is among the highest points inthe history of education.

3. This political party contains a new plankin its platform.

4. His span of lifewas but short.

5. The steam drop hammer has a massive frame which takes the punishmentfrom the terrific impact of the ram.

6. Cast ironproof was given to show that he was guilty.

7. This was rather an unusual mood for Mr.N. whose mind navigatedrather larger seas than those where his daughter's small barques adventured.

8. In spring plants shoot outrapidly.

9. Fear doggedin his steps.

10. It was then that I embarked onmy study of Shakespeare.

11. Time is disjoinedand outof frame.

12. Why should I write down what's riveted, screwedto my memory.

13. This alloy is first cousinto another one.

14. A number of conferences have been organized at which seasoned literary critics will discuss and analyze the works of buddingauthors.

15. Letus spurthe local industry of our country.

16. England considers Canada as her granary,Australia as her butcherand New Zealand as her henhouse.

17. Before the war Italy, not wanting to have all her eggs in one basket,tried alternatively to make friends with all the great powers.


[1] Уноситься в духе былых столетий («Фауст», перев. Б. Пастернака).

[2] Приходится констатировать, что это утверждение утратило актуальность: калька с английского языка «успешный руководитель» воспринимается сегодня по-русски как приемлемое выражение.

[3] Термин И.Н. Амосовй.

[4] Актуализация – выявление значения слова средствами его окружения (т.е. контекста).