Б) Многочленные атрибутивные словосочетания

´ Ознакомьтесь с теорией перевода многочленных словосочетаний.

1. При переводе многочленных словосочетаний надо придерживаться следующего правила:

1) перевести определяемое существительное (последнее слово словосочетания); 2) проанализировать смысловые связи между членами словосочетания и разбить их на смысловые группы (анализ проводится слева направо); 3) перевести словосочетание, начиная с определяемого слова, и затем переводить каждую смысловую группу справа налево.

В зависимости от смысловых связей многочленные словосочетания могут переводиться по принципу словосочетания Bank Credit Regulation Committee. Переводим последнее слово словосочетания: комитет. Далее разбиваем все словосочетание на смысловые группы: 1. Bank Credit, 2. Regulation Committee. Переводим все словосочетание: Комитет по регулированию банковских кредитов.

2. В некоторых словосочетаниях одно из существительных, выступающих в функции определения, может переводиться на русский язык причастием: raw material production countries – страны, производящие сырье.

3. Атрибутивные словосочетания могут начинаться прилагательным или причастием. В этом случае надо выяснить, к какому слову относится первый член словосочетания. Например: sudden policy change внезапное изменение политики; combined Operation headquartersштаб совместных действий; National Liberation Front successes – успехи национально-освободительного фронта.

4. В том случае, когда в начале атрибутивного словосочетания стоит имя собственное, обозначающее географическое название, оно переводится на русский язык прилагательным, существительным в родительном падеже или существительным с предлогом (обстоятельство места): London district committee районный комитет Лондона, Paris peace talksмирные переговоры в Париже (происходящие в Париже).

5. В том случае, когда в середине атрибутивного словосочетания стоит прилагательное, оно переводится на русский язык прилагательным (опреде­лением к тому слову, перед которым оно стоит): SEATO pact military chiefs – военные главари пакта СЕАТО.

6. Атрибутивная группа может состоять не только из существительных, в ее состав могут входить и другие части речи: числительные, причастия, гла­голы и т. д. Некоторые элементы этих словосочетаний соединяются между собой дефисом или заключаются в кавычки. Такие атрибутивные группы обычно переводятся причастными оборотами или придаточными предложе­ниями: the Labor-controlled city council – городской совет, контролируемый (который контролируется) лейбористами; a six-point control plan – контрольный план, состоящий (который состоит) из 6 пунктов; take-it-or-leave-it draft resolutionпроект резолюции, носящий (который носит) ультиматив­ный характер; "Back to work before talks begin" declarationзаявление о том, чтобы рабочие вернулись к работе до того, как начнутся переговоры.



 Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:

1. Over 8 million calls were made by the cricket fans to the Telephone Test Match Score Service.

2. Jobs-For-Youth Club May Have to Close

The Trafalgar Street center, opened last year to give jobs to a few of the North-East’s work-hungry youngsters, is in the midst of a financial crisis which could force it to close.

3. We are in the midst of a great transition – a transition from narrow nationalism to international partnership; from the spirit of the cold was to the hopeful spirit of common humanity on a trouble threatened planet.

4. The Mid-term election campaign in America came amid mounting public anger and discontent. Both the President and the Vice President based most of the campaign invectives on the ‘law and order’ and “Clean up Congress” theme.

5. The principle of collective cabinet responsibility has been dealt a heavy blow, and senior ministers have forfeited the respect not only of the public and their professional advisers, but also of foreign statesmen.

6. It was a sudden wind change that sent the first black waves lapping over dozens of holiday beaches and oyster beds, bringing destruction which will cost millions of francs.

7. Home Office spokesman said yesterday that their policy was not to disclose any information about a taxpayer or his affairs without his prior consent.

8. His April Budget increases formed a very large part in the retail price in­dex increase during that month.

9. The Treasurer introduced a Bill to implement the Government's plan to give preferential taxation treatment to life insurance companies.

10. In the past few years coordination agencies have been created by the Gov­ernment to include a Foreign Exchange Committee and an Internal Finance Committee; and the Central Bank and the Ministries of Finance, Commerce and State Enterprises exert some influence in this sphere.

11. A week of county council election opened in England and Wales yester­day when Monmouthshire and Norfolk went to the polls.


Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Even if these proposals were acted upon, and it is now evident that the President has disavowed it, the fundamental guns-instead-of-butter nature of the economy would in no way be altered.

2. Representatives of 122 Governments arrived in Geneva at the weekend to attend the "little General Assembly". This is the name given here to the three-month United Nations World Trade and Development Conference which opens today.

3. Paradoxically, the poll returns mean that he will be able to go ahead with his plan to introduce a pay-as-you-earn income tax scheme, which had been the main issue of the elections.

4. From these bases Chiang's U.S.-supplied forces have repeatedly attacked cities on the mainland and Chinese shipping. (Chiang Kaishek Чан-Кайши)

5. Mr. Odinga, who is chairman of the African-elected members of the Legislative Council, is under vicious attack by the European settlers for his declaration that Jomo Kenyatta and his colleagues now in prison are regarded by the African as their political leaders.

6. U.S.-shifted UN officials will presumably be obedient tools at the ready and full command of Mr.Dulles or his lieutenants.

7. Time and again USSR-sponsored disarmament proposals have been killed, thrown into oblivion by some dexterous political combination or turned down to such an extent as to make them lose their edge and purport completely.

8. Reflecting on last week's disastrous local election results most Labour MPs have at last realized that their Prime Minister's home and foreign policies are vote-losers.

9. Only one-quarter of the world's synoptic surface weather observation posts are below the Equator.

10. The protest is against National Coal Board redundancy notices to 140 miners, mainly young men of under 21, which take effect today.



Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод многочленных атрибутивных словосочетаний:

1. The Democrats in Congress now have an overwhelming majority and don't have to depend on the votes of the Dixie-crats (Southern Democrats). With so many labour endorsed and negro-supported so- called liberal Democrats the People's Movement will expect the enactment of the program on which they were elected.

2. Responding to the delegate's anti-Tory sentiments by making continual attacks on the Government, Mr. Wilson gave a few details of the national executive's mild-after-water proposals for remedying the defects of the economy.

3. President Chirac prepared yesterday to fly to France's Mururoa nuclear test atoll in the Pacific.

4. I believe that TV is the least effective war reporting media because it presents images rather than a whole story.

5. Worried councillors in North Wales have called a public meeting to discuss the extent of radioactive pollution from Sellafield along the coast. The meeting was called by Gwynned county council's public protection committee after councillors heard reports of the high risk of radioactivity in the Irish sea.

6. The Evening Star's aggressive salesmen gobbled up more than half of the burgeoning metropolitan area's lucrative newspaper advertising market.

7. Scepticism is growing in Europe over the feasibility of meeting the Soviet Union's huge food aid request, given disarray in the economy and the transfer of power to the republics.

8. His school draws about 600 day pupils from 13 villages. Many of his boarders are service children, sometimes two of the same family. Their costs are covered by the Ministry of Defense's boarding school allowances.

9. The British Pest Control Association warned in a report that pests carried a "devastating range of diseases," but hospital pest control budgets were being squeezed.

10. A crisis meeting is being held in London next Monday between secretaries of the printing trade unions and the proprietors of the Daily Sketch.

11. Glasgow faces evening paper closure crisis, their guessed, but unknown perils.

12. A Government bid to attract more fast-spending foreign tourists to Britain by improving hotels was revealed in the Commons yesterday in the second day of the four-day Budget debate. A new country-wide scheme of grants for hotel extensions and improvements was announced.


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