Упражнение 6. B предложениях со словом because (потому что) объясняется, почему эти люди так выглядели или так себя чувствовали. Прочтите их.
1. Frank looked tired because he worked too much.
2. Jane felt cold because she had no jacket.
3. Bill was sorry because he was late.
4. Vic felt thirsty because it was hot.
5. Dad looked angry because he didn't like the question.
Упражнение 7. Билл приезжает в Петербург. Он прислал программу первого дня своего пребывания в Петербурге.
March 12, Monday — New York plane to Petersburg.
11.30 —Arrival at the hotel.
15.00 — Meeting at the office of «Petram» joint venture.
18.00 — Dinner at the hotel restaurant.
19.30 —A visit to the Kirov ballet.
Упражнение 8. Поставьте карандашом плюс или минус напротив правильных или неправильных утверждений.
— Bill arrived in Petersburg by train from Moscow.
— Bill arrived by plane from New York.
— Bill went to the office at once.
— Bill went to the hotel at once.
— Bill came to Petersburg on business.
— Bill came to Petersburg on a tour.
— Bill had dinner at 5 p. m.
— Bill had dinner at 6 p. m.
— Bill visited a drama theater.
— Bill visited a ballet.
Упражнение 9. Умеете ли вы спрашивать о действиях в прошедшем времени? Вставьте в пропуски нужные слова.
1. Did Bill ... in Petersburg by train?
2. Did ...... to the office at once?
3. ... Bill comes to Petersburg on a tour?
4. Did ...... dinner at the hotel?
5. ... go to the Kirov ballet?
6. ... Bill ... to the drama theater?
Упражнение 10. Теперь воспользуйтесь вопросительными словами, употребив их перед «did». Это — специальные вопросы.
1. How? — Как?
... did Bill come to Petersburg? He came to Petersburg by... .
2. Where? — где? куда? откуда?
... did he go from the airport?
He went to the... .
... did he stay?
He stayed at the... .
... did he come from?
He came from... .
3. When? — когда?
...did he arrive?
He arrived in the... .
4. What? Что?
... did he visit in the evening?
He visited the... .
Упражнение 11. Выскажите несколько советов своему собеседнику, используя образец.
Образец: I want to see a ballet. (The Kirov Theater)
You should go to the Kirov Theater.
1. I want to see the Russian icons. (The Russian Museum)
2. I want a ticket to Moscow. (The Moscow Railway Station)
3. I want to buy souvenirs. (Nevsky Prospect)
Образец: I want to get to the office on time. (Take a taxi)
You'd better take a taxi.
1. I don't know how to get to my hotel.
2. I'm afraid of getting lost.
3. I want to stay at the Astoria.
(ask a militiaman, make a reservation, wait for me)