Answer the questions

1. What did the patient complain of?

2. What temperature did he have?

3. What did the blood analysis reveal?

4. What did the doctor determine on percussion?

5. What did the doctor find listening to the patient’s heart?

6. What did the doctor diagnose?

7. What kind of disease is endocarditis?

8. Where was the patient admitted?

9. What treatment did the doctor administer?

10. What diet did the patient have?

11. How long did it take the patient to get well?

12. What did the patient have to do after he was discharged from the hospital?

Fill in the gaps


Disease Cause Symptoms Course Treatment
Endocarditis The cause of the disease is inflammation of the inner layer of the heart The patient has fatigue cardiac discomfort subfebrile temperature murmurs in the heart There is a moderate leucocytosis The heart becomes slightly enlarged. The doctor must admit the patient to the hospital  




Teacher: At this lesson you will know about the immunity. You will need the words on the

Topics «Diseases» and «Blood».


Check yourself

1. инфекционное заболевание 2. инфекция 3. приступ болезни 4. течение болезни 5. симптомы болезни 6. выздоровление 7. происходить (встречаться) 8. ставить инъекцию 9. предотвратить распространение 10. лечение болезни 11. клетка 12. клеточный элемент 13. ткань 14. фагоцит a. attack of a disease b. cell c. tissue d. to inject e. to occur f. infectious disease g. phagocyte h. symptoms of a disease i. infection j. cellular element k. treatment of a disease l. course of a disease m. to prevent the spread n. recovery

Study the words

1. capacity of resistance – способность к сопротивлению

2. to produce – производить

3. to cause – вызывать

4. protection – защита

5. to invade – проникать

6. invasion – вторжение

7. growth – рост

8. virulent poison – смертельный яд

9. to employ – применять

10. vaccine – вакцина

11. to injure – повреждать

12. to destroy – уничтожать

13. subcutaneously – подкожно

14. sufficient amount – достаточное количество


Read the text