Fill in the gaps. Use the given words


disease temperature rash skin nurse


1. … passes from one person to another.

2. … appears.

3. … peels.

4. … rises.

5. … isolate the child.

5. Situations

1. You are a beginning medical worker. Observe scarlet fever and make a diary of the development of the disease.

- the first day - …

- the second day - …

- the fourth day - …


2. Mary fell ill with scarlet fever. The nurse isolated her. Why did she do it?

3. On the fourth day Mary’s temperature fell. She looked at her skin and noticed … . What did she notice?

4. Jenny’s temperature was very high. When the nurse came in, she gave Jenny some food. Tell what kind of food the nurse brought Jenny.


Correct the mistakes

1. The disease begins slowly.

2. The skin is cold and dry.

3. When the temperature falls, the patient gets fluid diet.

Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using the given words. Role-play the dialogue.

Mrs Smith is calling in a doctor.


vomit / ill / consult a doctor / the polyclinic / wait for / high / flushed


  • Good morning. It’s _____________. Can I help you?
  • Yes. I’d like to ____________. My daughter has become ____________.
  • What’s the trouble?
  • She has a _________temperature, fever, headache and __________. Her face is _________ and the skin is hot and dry.
  • Well, I’ll put in the list of the patients. ___________your doctor to come.
  • Thank you.





1. Teacher:


1. What is measles?

2. Do you know the symptoms of this disease? What are they?

3. What must the nurse do?


Teacher : This lesson will broaden your knowledge about measles.

Match the words

1. sign 2. dislike 3. to cover 4. careful 5. hygiene 6. moist - гигиена - заботливый - влажный - знак - неприязнь - покрывать


Read the text. Make up the sentences where it is necessary



Measles is an infectious disease. From, the disease, one, passes, to another, child. The first symptoms are sneezing and coughing. The disease begins with signs of a very heavy cold, running nose and a dry cough. The temperature is high. A, dislike, has, the child, the light, of.

The rash appears on the third or fourth day behind the ears and around the mouth and then covers the body.

The nurse must be very careful to prevent the spread of the infection. The nurse, take care, of, the hygiene, must, of, the, mouth. The patient’s mouth and lips must be clean and moist.


Answer the questions

1. How does the disease pass?

2. What are the symptoms of measles?

3. Where does the rash appear?

4. How must the nurse look after an ill patient?