Поставьте глагол в нужной форме (Present Simple or Present Continuous)

Казанский национальный исследовательский технологический университет



И.Р. Зернова, Г.И. Зубкова



Контрольные работы для студентов

Заочного отделения

Учебное пособие



УДК 802.0(075)

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Английский язык: Контрольные работы для студентов заочного отделения / Составители: И.Р. Зернова, Г.И. Зубкова. – Казань: Изд-во Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-та, 2012. - 100 с.



Учебное пособие разработано для студентов, самостоятельно изучающих иностранный язык. Пособие состоит из двух частей: Первая часть - задания по грамматике и лексике английского языка; вторая часть - подробное разъяснение грамматического материала. Данное учебное пособие способствует овладению необходимым объемом знаний и навыков в рамках курса «Английский язык для заочников» и предназначено для студентов – заочников 1-х и 2-х курсов всех факультетов. Также этот материал может быть использован как дополнительный на занятиях в студенческих группах дневного отделения.

Пособие подготовлено на кафедре ИЯПК Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета КНИТУ.


Рецензенты: зав. каф. ин. яз. и межкультурных коммуникаций Казанской государственной консерватории им. Н.Г. Жиганова, д. пед. н., профессор И. И. Галимзянова; зав. каф. ин. яз. КНИТУ им. А.Н. Туполева, к. пед. н., профессор Н.А. Константинова


© Зернова И.Р., Зубкова Г.И., 2012

© Казанский национальный

исследовательский технологический

университет, 2012

Контрольная работа № 1

По английскому языку для студентов

Заочного отделения 1 курс, 1 семестр

Вариант № 1

1. Вставьте а или the:

1. There is … house in…city. …house is on …hill.

2. There is…bedroom in…house.

3…bedroom is very nice.

2. Определите время в данном предложении:

1. I was walking home when I met him.

2. It had been raining for three days.

3. If you make the omelet, it will be delicious.

4. He gets up at 7.

5. I have been to London several times.

6. I saw him yesterday.

3. Исправьте предложение, если в этом есть необходимость:

1. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

2. The water boils. Can you turn it off?

3. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.

4. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?

5. I hear you’ve round the earth.

6. I must go now. It gets late.

7. I usually go to work by car.

4. Допишите следующие предложения:

1. Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner

2. The doorbell rang while I…………..

3. We saw an accident while we…………

4. Marry fell asleep while she……..

5. The television was on but nobody…………

5. Закончите следующие предложения, используя слова today/this year/ this term etc.:

1. I saw Tom yesterday but I haven’t seen him today.

2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I………..today.

3. Last year the company made a profit but……………

4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but…………

5. It snowed a lot last winter but…………

6. Our football team won a lot of games last season but we…….

6. Определите время:

1. She painted the ceiling yesterday. (Past Simple/Present Perfect)

2. She has painted the ceiling (Past Simple/Present Perfect)

3. They’ve played tennis three times this week (Past Simple/ Present/Perfect)

4. They played tennis yesterday (Present Perfect/ Past Simple)

5. Somebody has smoked all my cigarettes. (Present Perfect/ Past Simple)

6. He smoked a year ago. (Present Perfect Past Simple)

7. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям:

1. He has become a well-known chemist since then.

2. We have undertaken some interesting studies.

3. This international commission has held a number of important meetings.

4. We have attempted a number of new investigations.

5. Scientific and personal contacts have been improved.


8. Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно:


Water is hydrogen oxide, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Most of the world’s water is liquid, but an important fraction is solid as ice and snow. Many mineral substances contain water crystals (e.g. copper sulphate) and in the atmosphere there are millions of tones of water vapour. Clouds consist of minute droplets of water or crystals of ice.

Water dissolves a very large number of substances and is the most important solvent.

It does not dissolve greasy, fatty substances or most plastics.

The scientists have found the composition of water and can investigate its properties. It was stated that ordinary water is impure, it usually contains dissolved salts and dissolved gasses and sometimes organic matter .

For chemical work water is to be purified by distillation. Pure water is colourless, tasteless and odourless. Rain water formed by the condensation of water in the air is nearly pure water, containing only small proportions of the dust and of dissolved gases.

Chemists used physical constants and units.

The freezing point of water was taken as 0 C and the boiling point of water was taken as 100 C. Water is considered to be one of the most important of all chemical substances.


Вариант № 2

1.Вставьте a или the:

1. In front of my house there is…..tree.

2. ….bird living there is …sparrow.

3. Under….porch there is….mouse.

4. Sometimes it comes in …house.

2 .Задайте вопросы к данным предложениям:

1. Considerable changes are currently taking place in the organization of research.

2. Science is becoming a leading factor of progress of mankind.

3. The world of physical theory is developing at a very high rate.

4. The holography technique is becoming very popular in electronics.



3. Определите время:

1. I suppose everyone is having a seminar now. (Present Simple /Present Continuous)

2. There are five people in the research team. (Present Simple /Present Continuous)

3. You’re working hard today. (Present Simple/Present Continuous)

4. He works very hard most of the time (Present Simple/Present Continuous.)

5. Most of the people learn to swim when they are children. (Present Simple/Present Continuous)

6. She is driving to work. (Present Simple/Present Continuous)

4. Откройте скобки. Используйте Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous:

1. When I reached the house, John (to eave) already and (to drive ) towards London.

2. We (not to walk) for half an hour when it began raining and we were sorry that we (not to take) our umbrellas along.

3. They had to sell the house, where they (to live) so long and no wonder that while packing Mrs.Nelson (to cry) silently.

4. Nell never (to be) in such a rich house before.

Поставьте глагол в нужной форме (Present Simple or Present Continuous)

return false">ссылка скрыта

1. Let’s go out. It…………. (not rain) now.

2. Ann is very good at languages. She………… (speak) four languages very well.

3. Hurry up! Everybody ……………. (wait) for you.

4. The River Nile …………….. (flow) into Mediterranean.

5. Look at the river. It ………… (flow) very fast today – much faster than usual.

6. How is your English? Not bad. It ……….. (improve ) slowly.

7. Can you drive? I ……….. (learn). My father ……….. (teach) me.